Chapter 10- Parting Gift

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*Hey Readers! I'm back, and here's the second chapter of my two-fer. Read up!


Obi-Wan exited the bridge and made his way to the hanger bay. Once there he spotted an open LAAT gunship waiting for him, and once he got on, the pilot activated the engines and departed along with seven other gunships headed towards the shipyard’s port landing bay. The clone commander onboard Kenobi’s ship received a comm transmission and relayed it to Kenobi. “Sir, Skywalker’s forces report that they have left their ship and are heading for their landing point in the starboard hanger bay.

So far so good, Obi-Wan thought. His gunship along with the others passed through the force field protecting the landing bay from decompression. The ship touched down and the side doors opened, letting Obi-Wan and his clones rush out and eliminate the small amount of droids that were guarding the bay. The group then proceeded to the main command center for the shipyard and encountered only a few droids along the way. The Bothans that were stationed on the shipyard greeted the Jedi and the clones with enthusiasm and cheers. The flow against the droids intensified with the Bothans helping the Jedi and the clones with taking the shipyard. With the pincer movements of Skywalker and Kenobi, combined with the Bothan support, the droids stood no chance, and were quickly destroyed. Within ten minutes of landing on the shipyard, all that was left was to take the command center. Kenobi and his troops rounded a corner and found Skywalker and his troops already in front of the door surrounded by destroyed droids. 

“You’re still a little slow Obi-Wan. We had to finish up without you.” Anakin said with an amused expression on his face.

“Well you could have saved some of them for me if you felt that way.” Obi-Wan retorted.

“Now what fun would that be?” Anakin replied, but as Obi-Wan walked past him, he thought about the day’s events and thought, Actually, I’ve had enough fun today to last a week.

Obi-Wan was trying to open the command center’s door, but the console wasn’t responding. “Here Anakin, help me with this.” Obi-Wan ignited and stabbed his lightsaber through the door and Anakin followed suit. They cut a wide hole through the door and rushed out into the command center, the clones right behind. Once again, there were only a few droids stationed there and after a very brief fight, the Republic forces had control of the shipyards. “Captain,” Obi-Wan said to Rex, “how is our status?”

“Good sir,” the clone replied, “we have control over the entire shipyards and all droids have been eliminated.”

“Well that was easier than fighting Darkover.” Anakin said to himself after they secured the center, thinking back to an hour ago.

Obi-Wan, who overheard him, looked over at Anakin with mild confusion on his face. “Who’s Darkover?” He asked. Before Anakin could respond, a panel flashed and a holographic projection of a man suddenly appeared in the center of the room, covered in the same robes and weapons as the Sith Anakin fought earlier, the face still covered by the hood.

Anakin simply said “Him.”

“Greetings Jedi.” The figure in the recording said, “I am Admiral Darkover. If you are hearing this, it means that I have been defeated and you have recaptured the shipyards. If this is the case, I am probably dead right now and I congratulate you on besting me. However, just because I am dead, doesn’t mean that I can’t still cause you harm. I have rigged the shipyard’s reactor to blow up five minutes after this recording ends. Consider it revenge, and hopefully you will die along with your troops. One day the Sith will rule the galaxy. Until then, farewell.” At that the hologram faded and a timer counting down replaced it.

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