Chapter 8- Closing Scene

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The battle ended suddenly. Darkover used both his lightsabers to block Anakin then quickly deflected a slash by Ahsoka and Force pushed her away. Due to the Force induced fatigue that happens when a wielder uses it too much, Darkover was too late to completely block Anakin’s slash. The tip of Anakin’s blue lightsaber cut through skin and bone and made a long, 2-centimeter deep slash through Darkover’s chest. He staggered back and then a blade of blue plasma erupted through his gut, spreading fire through his body. Darkover couldn’t breath properly and stood there as Anakin withdrew the blade. Still standing he looked up at Anakin and hated him for everything. Anakin looked into the Red Sith’s eyes and saw the hatred for him. With barely a second thought, he Force pushed Darkover. The Sith tumbled through the hallway, bounced off the bulkhead on the far wall and hit the floor. The body rolled, came to a halt, remained still and did not move after that.

 Finally after what seemed like ages, the two Jedi were reunited. Still wheezing Ahsoka turned to Anakin and said, “We did it Skyguy.” her voice raspy.

“Yes,” said Anakin, pausing, “but we still need to help Obi-Wan and the fleet.”

“We also need to get out of our predicament too.” Ahsoka responded.

“Come on Snips, let’s head to the bridge and destroy this ship.”

Ahsoka smirked, “Somehow, I think that might be the easiest thing yet today.”

On the bridge of the frigate, two worker droids were busy trying to open the door that the Jedi had sealed. There was still a squad and a half of super battle droids in the bridge and they were getting impatient. “How much longer?” one of them asked.

“We’re working on it!” one of the worker droids answered. Turning back to the circuitry in the wall, he noticed his partner misplace one of the wires. “No, that one goes there, this one goes there!” It pointed to two different wires that were switched.

“Are you sure?” the droid asked.

“Yes, I am sure!” the first droid responded.

“OK….” The other droid switched the two wires and the door activated. “Hey it worked!” The droid pushed the ‘OPEN’ button and the door slid open. They were confronted with two Jedi who were standing in the doorway; both had their lightsabers lit. “Maybe we should have left that one there...” the droid said. Then it had its head cut off with a green lightsaber.

Anakin and Ahsoka made short work of the droids on the bridge and were soon standing in pieces of ex-droids. “There should be a console that has some sort of access to the data about the Separatist plans.” Ahsoka said.

Anakin, who was looking through the command chair, responded saying “Look for any encrypted data. That should give us a start.” But as they looked through the ship's databases, they could not find any plans whatsoever.

“It’s like they didn’t even have a plan to begin with.” Ahsoka commented.

“Keep looking. There has to be something.” Anakin said.

Just then Anakin’s communicator beeped. “General Skywalker, come in. This is Captain Rex.”

“Go ahead Rex.”

“We’ve captured that Tactical Droid we saw and have finished analyzing its data. We have every step of their plan and we also have some very interesting data.”

“That’s good news Rex.” Anakin said expecting to hear more.

“One step of their plan involves blowing up the frigate.”


“What!” Ahsoka said, and then gave a chough. “What kind of crazy plan involves blowing up your own ship?”

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