Chapter 7- The Stage is Set

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Anakin was almost through the last door when suddenly he felt Ahsoka’s Force presence wane. “No!” he said. He started cutting with renewed energy. As a section of the door fell over, Anakin rushed through just in time to see a man with red skin in dark robes raise a metal sword over Ahsoka’s still body. Fueled by the Force, Anakin made a tremendous jump to block the man’s blade as it fell. “You will not touch her.” He said in a threatening growl. The red-skinned man looked up at him, surprise in his yellow eyes.

“Well now, looks like the Chosen One has finally decided to show up.” The man said. Anakin forced his blade up and away as the man followed suit, both of them spinning away from each other.

“So I suppose you are the one behind all those Separatist victories.” Anakin said.

“Yes, Skywalker. I am Darkover. It is an honor to finally meet you in person.” Darkover gave a mock bow at this then returned to his guard. “I have to say, your timing was a little early. I was about to rid the galaxy of another Jedi filth. Now if you’ll excuse me…” he said and stepped toward Ahsoka again. Anakin pointed his lightsaber at Darkover and moved in between him and Ahsoka.

“You will not hurt her.”

“Take a look Skywalker, I already have.” He sneered.

Anakin glanced down at Ahsoka; parts of her clothing were blackened and charred through. Her skin was redder than normal from the Force choking she received and there were several sizable bruises around her body.

As Skywalker glanced down, Darkover saw his opening; he rushed forward with a sideswipe to knock Anakin’s lightsaber out of the way then barreled right into him, toppling him over. Anakin rolled with the blow and then kicked out, hitting Darkover a few feet back. Anakin stood up and then charged at Darkover. The two started a vicious fight, neither side giving ground. The sounds of metal and plasma colliding rung out echoing through the hall. Darkover aimed a slice at Anakin’s legs then at the last moment redirected his blade up to block a blow from Skywalker. Anakin countered with a powerful downwards sweep that Darkover leaned back to avoid. Seeing an opportunity, Anakin Force pushed Darkover sending him flying backwards through the hall. Anakin used this break to check on Ahsoka. She was starting to come to and was moving slightly. Good, she’s OK. This thought gave Anakin renewed energy and he came at Darkover. Standing up, Darkover met the charge and they stood with their blades crossed in front of them.

“Jedi.” Darkover spat the word out. “You think you can stop us? We will continue to exist long after your Order is nothing but dust and ruins.” They broke apart again only to strike at each other immediately. “I am one of a once proud race that brought your Order to the brink of destruction many times. “

“You’re a Sith.” Anakin responded.

Darkover’s eyes flared. He pushed back against Anakin, forcing him to brake off this time. “I’m not just any Sith that pops up every once in a while. I am the Sith. One of the last surviving Sith Purebloods in the galaxy. And I will destroy the so-called Sith Lords Dooku and his master along with your pathetic order.” Darkover attacked again forcing Anakin to give more ground.

Anakin’s mind reeled. A surviving member of the Sith species? How is this possible? They were supposed to be eradicated centuries ago. He blocked another blow from Darkover and took a step back. “Why do you want to destroy Dooku? He’s a Sith and you’re fighting for the Separatists as well.”

Darkover advanced striking with a jab and then spun to swipe at Anakin’s head. “I do not expect a Jedi to understand Sith machinations. It would take too long to explain and frankly I have better things to do right now.” He lunged forward with a swift uppercut followed by a downward slash. Anakin redirected the blows away from him and retreated further. Darkover glanced over; they were right next to Tano who was beginning to come to but was still on the floor. I need to get rid of her. I can’t stand a two on one fight, he thought. Faking another attack at Anakin, he suddenly reversed his grip on his sword and drove it straight for Ahsoka. Anakin saw this and with Force enhanced superhuman speed, powered by his desire to protect Ahsoka, bashed the sword from Darkover’s hand. The sword went sailing through the hallway clattering to a stop several meters away from where the two contestants stood. 

Suddenly defenseless, Darkover had one last option to defend himself: he blasted Anakin with Force Lightning. Unprepared for this type of attack, Anakin writhed in place, unnatural electricity coursing through his body. Using all of his concentration, he raised his lightsaber to intercept the lightning. The stream of electricity stopped, absorbed by the lightsaber. Darkover kept the lightning flowing making Anakin unable to advance. It was a stalemate, neither side could give less than what they were giving otherwise it would be their end.

Ahsoka opened her eyes. She was having a hard time breathing because her neck felt like it was partially crushed and her lungs on fire. Fighting the urge to lay on the floor and rest, she lifted her head and saw Anakin and Darkover locked in combat. Lightning was pouring from both of Darkover’s hands while Anakin was using his lightsaber to block the lightning, both of them straining to end the other. The crackling of the lightning echoed up and down the hall making the sound deafening.  Ahsoka pushed herself onto her knees and was over come with a coughing fit. She recovered and then used the Force to call her lightsabers to her hands. Ahsoka slowly stood up and ignited her two lightsabers and advanced toward Darkover. She stood behind him with her lightsabers raised to strike him in the back.

He faced Anakin, using all of his strength to conjure up the Force Lightning. Darkover was sweating from the strain of the combat. He had not planed for the girl to be here in the first place, and for her to be alive right now was endangering everything. Darkover had hoped to confront the Chosen One alone without worrying about a second Jedi, even if she is a padawan, but now that was all gone to ruin and he was barely holding his own against Skywalker. I need to retreat now or risk fighting two Jedi, he thought. As soon as this crossed his mind there was a prickling in the Force: a feeling of danger. He stopped his Force lightning and dove to the side just in time to dodge two lightsabers that hummed through the empty air where he just was. He looked up and saw the young Jedi standing next to Anakin both coming at him. Darkover started worrying about his survival.

“Seems like the tables have turned, Sith.” Anakin said. He lunged forward again and Darkover rolled out of the way, and had to Force push Ahsoka to avoid an attack by her. Using the Force, Darkover called his sword to him and then reached down and ignited his own lightsaber, which cast a bloody red glow on the surroundings. Holding his sword in his left dominant hand, and his lightsaber in the right, he faced the two Jedi.

“Well this is unexpected. I’m surprised at your skill young one, but that pales in comparison to your master’s.” Darkover looked at each one individually. “Now lets get this show started.” All three charged at the same time, Ahsoka jumping overhead to attack from above, Anakin attacking head on, and Darkover dual wielding his sword and lightsaber to fight each one at the same time. They became a whirl of limbs and sabers as they dueled. Anakin formed the center of attack with Ahsoka constantly on the move around Darkover. It immediately became evident that Darkover was on the defensive against Anakin and Ahsoka and was drawing heavily on the Force, but those two weren’t much better off: Anakin was weakened from the lightning and Ahsoka was struggling to get enough air to keep fighting. 

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