Chapter 6- First Duel (Part 2)

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Over half of the clones had fallen and the droids were still pressing relentlessly on Rex’s troopers. They had held off the droids until now, but with so few clones, Rex had little time left. Another trooper got hit behind him and the doorway he was taking cover in was partially melted. The Super Tactical Droid was still standing and was giving orders to the droids. This needs to end now! Rex thought.  He shot another droid and was interrupted by a comm signal.

“Fives to Captain Rex, need a hand?”

“Fives, is that you?” Rex said into his helmet comm. “We need to capture a Tactical Droid. Can you help us?”

“Way ahead of you.” Fives said from his position. He was right above the droids on Rex’s left looking down through a hole in the deck plates. He turned to his troopers giving the signal to drop down. Fives dropped through the hole and landed on battle droid. He blasted it, and then rolled out of the way for the next clone to descend. Soon there was a hole in the droid’s ranks as Five’s troopers cleared them out at close range. Rex chose this opportunity to gather his troopers and attack the droids on the right. Now having their backs covered, Rex’s clones made short work of these droids.

Fives saw the Super Tactical Droid retreating. “No you don’t.” he muttered. He rushed the droid and brought his gun to bear. He shot the blaster out of the droid’s hand and then grabbed it by the head. Using all his strength, he ripped off the head of RW-47. Its photoseptors briefly glowed, then died. Fives stood there holding the head, the rest of the droids easily dispatched by the clones.

“Good of you to join us.” Rex said to Fives.

“Wouldn’t miss it.” Fives tossed the head to Rex. “This what you’re looking for?”

“Yes it is. Lets take this to the lab so we can get its intel.”

Fives moved so he was at point. “Lets go to the bridge instead. It’s more secure there.” The clones moved off with their valuable cargo, avoiding the dwindling number of firefights on the Dauntless as the droids were pushed back.

Anakin was near the end of his patience. Droids were still coming out of the bridge and he felt Ahsoka coming closer to disaster. He reflected a shot back at a droid and blocked another one. Retreating towards another emergency door, he placed his back foot against it. Then, gathering the Force, he launched himself over the droids at the bridge. Instead of entering, he used the Force to slam it shut, then melted the controls with his lightsaber. Now with the droid reinforcements cut off, the remaining droids stood no chance. “All right, you asked for it.” Moving swiftly among them, Anakin was a whirling blue blur of plasma as he unleashed devastation on the droids. Soon they were all sparking pieces of metal on the floor. Not pausing to catch his breath, Anakin immediately started cutting through the next door. Come on Ahsoka. I know you’re strong. Just wait a little more.

Darkover approached the stunned Jedi. It’s such a shame she has to die. She fights with such passion, He thought. “Oh well,” he said aloud, “so it ends.” He brought up his sword for a coup-de-grâs. Ahsoka, who was faking, chose that moment to ignite her lightsaber and swing at his face. Caught by surprise, Darkover flinched and leaned back to avoid the blow. Ahsoka then jumped over his head igniting her shoto and swung downwards with it. Darkover, with his blade still partially raised from before, used it to block her swipe. Using their blades as a platform, Ahsoka sailed over Darkover landing behind him. She then made a quick attack at his back, which Darkover blocked with his sword blindly held behind his back, then jumped at him, twirling both her body and blades. Darkover blocked this attack, but this time it was he who retreated. “Impressive use of Ataru. I also sense some Djem So in your style Jedi. No doubt your master taught you well.”

“I can take you any day, red boy.” She taunted.

Darkover chuckled. “Can you now?” He raised his right hand and then unleashed a blast of force lightning. Ahsoka partially blocked this attack, a few bolts painfully shocking her body. Grimacing from the pain, Ahsoka stood her ground against the lightning attack, waiting it out. Darkover terminated the lightning and rushed forward with a horizontal slash from the left. Ahsoka blocked, but was forced to give ground due to the power of the blow. Darkover pressed his advantage and continually attacked with a series of powerfully quick sweeps and jabs. Ahsoka blocked and dodged each attack from the sword, but caught some physical blows when Darkover landed a punch in her ribs and hit her on the side of her head with the sword pummel. Fully on the defensive, Ahsoka backtracked until her back was against a wall.

Not good, she thought. The sword came at her head again so she leaned to her right and the blade just missed her head, cutting a large slash in the wall. That was too close, I need to get away from him before his superior strength overpowers me. Having just dodged the blow to her head, she rolled over to her left, out and away from Darkover.

Big mistake youngling. Darkover thought. As she was rolling, Darkover used the Force to accelerate Ahsoka’s roll causing her to slam into the opposite wall with a loud bang. She cried out in pain and crumpled on the floor, her lightsabers clattering as they rolled away, deactivated. “Well this seems familiar. Lets finish this.” He raised his right hand again and clenched it. Ahsoka rose into the air, her neck being squished by the Force. She starting gasping for breath and grasping her neck in a vain effort to loosen Darkover’s Force choke. Red spots were forming in her vision, which melted together to make Darkover’s face seem larger and distorted. Sensing victory, Darkover let go of the Force choke and raised his sword for a final blow. Ahsoka collapsed on the floor again and started to black out. She was defenseless if Darkover attacked. Ahsoka saw the blade raised and knew the end was near so she gave in and fell unconscious, her eyes closed. The blade started its descent. Suddenly a blue blade of plasma intercepted the sword.

“You will not touch her.”

Darkover looked to his right at his new adversary in surprise. “Well now, looks like the Chosen One has finally decided to show up.” The two broke away and got into their respective stances.

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