Chapter- 14 Jedi Debriefing

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Two days later, Anakin, Ahsoka, and Barriss were all standing in the circle in front of the Jedi Council. Some masters, such as Plo-Koon and Saesee Tin, were attending via hologram transmission from the various fronts. But most of the council was physically present in the tower. Obi-Wan and Luminara had already given their reports, so they were not standing with the others, and instead were sitting in their seats on the Council.

 This meeting was called to report on the results of the Bothan invasion, but had quickly moved to other topics. Once Anakin said that Darkover was a Sith, the council murmured with disbelief and surprise.

 “Are you sure that Darkover is a member of the Sith species” Mace Windu asked.

 “Yes Master. The physical traits he had matched almost exactly with ancient Jedi records of the Sith species, or at least the traits of their descendants.” Anakin said.

“Disturbing it is, that any knowledge of living members of the Sith species we did not have.” Grand Master Yoda said. “Find out where he came from, we must.”

“Indeed,” Obi-Wan said, “if he is as powerful as Anakin and Ahsoka claim, we must find out if there are others of his kind who are as dangerous as him.”

“Dangerous, all Sith are, Master Kenobi.”

Ahsoka spoke up. “From what Darkover said, there is a high chance there are still some original Sith in the Galaxy.”

“Said this, he did?” Yoda asked.

“More like implied Master. He was prideful of his heritage.”

“He further said that he was one of the last purebloods,” said Anakin, “so there must be more of them.”

Yoda sighed. “Troubling this is. Discover more, we must.”

“I agree.” Windu said. “But this must be kept a secret. If word of a living Sith member working for the Separatists spreads, it could ignite even more terror in the people. The last time the Sith Purebloods threatened the Republic, they almost destroyed it. We cannot allow that threat to exist, not now.”

“If we are going to keep this a secret, then what should we tell the Chancellor about the commander of the Separatist forces?” Anakin said, “Darkover was a military leader of the Separatists and reason that we lost so many systems. The Chancellor should be informed about his existence.”

“Master Skywalker does bring up a point.” Said Luminara, “The Chancellor will eventually learn of Darkover’s existence. It would be better for us to bring this information to Palpatine instead of him learning it from someone else and making it look like we were keeping something from him.”

Mace Windu sighed, “You’re right Master Unduli. The Chancellor will learn from another source eventually. Skywalker,” He said catching Anakin’s attention, “you should be the one to tell Palpatine. After all, you are the one who fought Darkover.”

“Of course Master.”

“In the meantime, we should proceed to find any leads as to where this Sith came from.”

“Unfortunately, Skywalker has killed the only lead that we had.” Plo-Koon said from his hologram. Anakin grimaced as Plo-Koon continued, “You did what was necessary Anakin, but I fear that if we pursue this matter, we will wind up wasting valuable resources and end up at a literal dead-end.”

“I unfortunately have to agree with you Master Plo.” Ki-Adi-Mundi said. “As much as we should attend to this, we have few qualified Jedi available for this type of mission, and there are more pressing matters concerning the war.” 

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