Chapter 9- Reunion

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*Hey Readers! I think this is the first time I'm writing to you, so yea... Anyway, these next two chapters are a bit of a two-fer. I originally was going to combine them into one chapter, but I decided to split them up and stay with my trend of shorter length chapters. So you get two chapters in one day! Enjoy and keep reading! 


Obi-Wan braced himself as the deck of his ship shook from another laser blast. “Cody, we need to contact Master Luminara and tell her to halt her invasion fleet!”

“We can’t sir!” A clone with gold color lined armor replied, “Our communications are still being jammed.”

Obi-Wan grimaced “Blast! What about Anakin?”

“Still nothing.  His last communication was blocked at the source and even if he wasn’t being jammed we still wouldn’t be able to contact him through our short range channels.”

The ship shook again as one of the CIS ships blew up taking with it two squads of fighters on both sides. The battle had started as soon as they excited hyperspace next to the shipyards. They expected a Separatist ship or two and several squads of fighters, but not an entire battle fleet. Obi-Wan received a garbled message from Anakin just before they arrived, but it was too late to change anything. They showed up right in the middle of fourteen Separatist ships and were almost immediately swarmed with Vulture Droids. The two forces were almost equal in firepower but that initial attack crippled two Republic vessels and the rest sustained damage. Now it was a matter of attrition: pounding the other side until they gave up. And neither side was giving up. It was only a matter of time before one side collapses and Obi-Wan knew he was not going to be the one to do it. Too much hinged on this battle for the Republic to retreat. If it gave up, then it would signify that the Republic cannot hold onto its allies and it would lose moral and other types of support from other worlds. And this war has gone on for far too long. Thought Kenobi.

Another explosion shook Kenobi’s ship. Just then, two blips showed up on their short-range scanners. “Sir!” called one of the clones, “It’s General Skywalker! He’s arrived!” Obi-Wan rushed over to look at the screen. Sure enough the I.D’s of the Dauntless and the Adamant registered on screen.

That’s good news, Obi-Wan thought with relief. Then, Wait… where’s The Firebird? “Can we open a channel?” asked Obi-Wan.

“They’re close enough that our short range communications should reach them.”

Obi-Wan went and pushed the command to open communications with Anakin. “Anakin, come in! Anakin!” The comm remained closed. “Anakin, are you receiving this message? If you can hear me, please respond.” Only another impact blast answered him. “What’s wrong with him?” Obi-Wan said to himself. He looked at the comm screen again and noticed a signal coming from the Dauntless that was being transmitted to the Separatists. “What in the blazes is he doing? He’s going to get himself killed!” Out of the viewport, he saw the CIS ships move to allow for the two Republic ships to join their formation. “What the…?” Obi-Wan had a pit form in his stomach. They must be under Confederate control, that’s why they’re in the enemy fleet! He was just about to call attention to his discovery when a surprise happened.

On the bridge of the Dauntless, Anakin could see that the battle had gone on for some time. Several carcasses of ships floated around soaking up stray turbolaser shots and both sides had taken heavy losses. “Transmit the signal to the CIS fleet and keep on course.” he said. Fives responded and input the code to the transmitter and sent it to the fleet.

“Sir, General Kenobi is contacting us. Do you want to respond?” Asked Fives.

“No, that would just give us away to the Separatists.”

“Uhh, sir? One of the CIS ships is contacting us.” Rex said.

“Uh oh.” Said Anakin. “Umm… open a channel. Maybe we can fool them into thinking we are who we are acting as.”

A droid voice came over the speakers. “Admiral Darkover, is that you?”

All the clones looked at Anakin. He cleared his throat and lowered his voice, giving an impersonation of the Sith. “This is Darkover. What is it?”

“Well you were gone longer than you said you would be.” The droid’s voice sounded a little nervous.

Anakin decided to improvise a bit. After all, he is a Sith. “Well I’m here now and unless you want to be turned into scrap metal by the Republic lets continue with the plan.”

“Y-y-yes sir. Sorry sir.” The communication line was cut.

“Good job sir.” Rex said. “I think they bought it.”

“I sure hope so.” Said Anakin, relaxing a bit. He noticed the CIS ships changing position and there was now a hole in the middle. “I guess that’s were they want us. Let’s not disappoint them.” The Dauntless and the Adamant simultaneously moved into position. Once there, Anakin gave the order to halt. “Now lets give them a surprise.”

The two Republic ships, from the center of the Separatist fleet, rotated their turbolasers to point at the nearest ship and opened fire. Plasma shot out from their barrels straight into the hulls of their targets. Bulkheads and durasteel were melted and blasted out into space and ships began to explode from critical hits. The CIS never knew what hit them. Many of the ships were badly damaged and gave way after a few volleys and the rest were divided in their fire against the Republic fleet and the newcomers.

Kenobi saw the Republic ships open fire on the CIS ships, making a hole in their lines. “Now’s our chance. All cruisers press forward!” The remaining ships of the fleet pushed onward. Now close enough, ships started to trade broadside shots with one another. Now fighting on two sides, the Separatist fleet collapsed. Some ships managed to retreat into hyperspace, but the rest burned to their shells. With the fleet broken, the Republic now had full access to the Bothan shipyards and the planet. This battle is won, but at a heavy cost, thought Obi-Wan. Indeed many of the ruined ships were Republic, and less than half of the remains of the fleet were combat ready. “Try to hail Anakin again.” This time it worked and an image of Anakin appeared. “Anakin, good to see you.”

“Likewise master.” He replied.

“I guess we both ran into difficulties. I ran into an ambush and you seem to have lost one of your ships.”

“Yes, well, I have a good reason for that and I think you and the council will find it interesting.” Anakin said.

Obi-Wan’s interest was piqued. “Oh I’m sure it will be a fascinating tale.”

“You have no idea.”

Cody broke in. “Sir, General Luminara’s task force has arrived and she is requesting communications.”

“Patch her through Cody.”

The hologram flickered and two new figures appeared: Master Luminara Unduli and her former apprentice, now Jedi Knight Barriss Offee, both Mirialan. “General Kenobi, General Skywalker.” Luminara said. “I hope everything is going smoothly?”

“Not quite.” Obi-Wan said. “We’ve ran into some setbacks and have been delayed, but you can proceed with your landing on Bothawui.”

“Thank you, that is good to know. I’ll be seeing you on the surface shortly.” Luminara and Barriss both bowed and their holograms flickered off leaving only Anakin’s.

“Now, lets get back to what we are supposed to be doing Anakin. You’ll have all the time later to    tell your story. Right now we need to secure the shipyard.”

“Yes master. I’ll send our dropships over to meet yours at the yards.” Then the holo turned off as the communication terminated.

“Well Cody, its time we completed our objective. Tell the gunships to depart once I’ve arrived.” 

“Right away sir!”

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