Chapter 3: Date

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Alex's POV-

"ALEX WAKE UP!" Ally and Hermione screamed after trying to shake me awake. Hermione came last night.
"What?" I said sheepishly.
"Harry and I set you up on a date with Liam! It's in two hours!" Ally said smugly.
"WHAT! WHAT TIME IS IT!!!!" I said urgently.
"Ten o' clock a.m." Ally said laughing.
I got up and hopped into the shower. Ally had already picked out my outfit, and Hermione already got the make up ready. I cleaned myself up then changed into the outfit. It was this tank top that was white and the straps followed the v-neck. Then I was wearing a black skirt and white flats. My purse was black and my necklace was gold triangles. Then I had black earrings and a silver arrow necklace. Hermione but mascara on me and pale pink lipstick. She added natural blush and painted my nails white. Ally pulled my hair back in a swirled halo. Then she added in a flower at end.

Ally wasn't wearing any makeup and was wearing a simple black v-neck tank top with jean shorts. She wore a pale pink watch and had a watermelon purse. She wore black earrings and black converse. Her hair was navy to blue. She checked her watch and said, "Time to go."

We rushed down the stairs and saw Liam waiting for me. His eyes looked into mine and blushed. Ally had another smug look on her face.

"Okay lovebirds, here are your brooms. Liam, you know where to go," Ally said.
"Aww, does someone want alone time with Harry?" I asked with a smug look now on my face.

She turned bright red.

"NO!" She exclaimed a little too quickly.

I smiled, "Suuure."
She turned redder than a tomato. Even redder than Ron's hair!
Even Hermione giggled at Ally's reaction. I looked at Harry who was red too.
Aw! We all know Ally still has a crush on him. They were so cute. Sarcasm with Oblivious. They were both crazy too. I mean we all know Ally is mad but Harry had mad plans for the years.
"Come on Ms. Black," Liam said in a fancy posh tone.

Then I realized I was going on a broomstick in a skirt. I quickly checked to make sure there were shorts under the skirt. Thankfully there were, thanks to Ally's great planning. We rode to a small shop in the muggle world.
I saw a ham and lettuce sandwich and ordered it.
We ate lunch quickly and then rode to a park that had no one in it.
Liam started climbing a tree and motioned for me to come up with him. I sat up there with him and looked at the amazing view.
"It's so pretty," I exclaimed.
"I've seen prettier," Liam said looking at me.
"Oh, Liam you're so cheesy."
"If I'm cheesy and you're corny we're popcorn."
"Then I guess we are popcorn."
Liam smiled at me. His slowly leaned in to kiss me. I closed the gap. He was addicted to it. I literally had to shove him to let me breathe. He rolled out of the tree dramatically.
"Are you okay?"I asked worried.
"Yup! Lesson learned."
I smiled and hopped down.
We rode back to the house, satisfied with our date.

The Singing Bird And The Last Drip Of Blood *HP Love Story* B6 |On Hold|Where stories live. Discover now