Chapter 6: Malfoy?

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Ally's PoV-

Four days later, I headed to the great hall when Fuzzy came in and dropped a note into my hands. Tonight we were to have a Slughorn's party. Ron was mad that he couldn't go. He wasn't invited, which made it harder for Hermione to make a move on him.

Harry was also going to have tryouts too. Suddenly, A few more owls flew to me.

I coughed out feathers.

"Ally? Why are there so many owls?" Harry asked.

Then I realized that Alex had almost as much as I did. Maybe a little less.

"Are those...?" Hermione said.

We both turned to each other and blushed.

"Are they what?" Liam asked.

"Oh...nothing, come on Hermione, I need to go to the loo," Alex said in a giddy voice.

We grabbed our notes with blushing smiles. We headed to bathroom and took out our notes.

" many love potions," I said, tossing them into a trash can. There were about five notes.

I was right about Alex having less, it's probably because she has a boyfriend. But she did end up with three notes.

"Okay the first one, is from a sixth year, named West.
Dear Ally,
I heard that you were single this year.
Are you ready to mingle—Nope, not dating this guy," I said tossing the note into the trash.

Alex read one, "Fifth year named Parker.
Dear Alex,
Can I have your—you know what, let's read another," Alex said tossing her card into the trash.

"Dear Ally,
You are so beautiful and make my heart pound.
Your eyes sparkle and your hair glows.
You drive me insane.
Anonymous." We all turned and blushed.
I shoved the note in my bag. Then I took the sweets that came with the note, sniffed them, then put them in my bag.

"The rest of mine are crap." Alex stated, throwing them away.

I shoved the last note in my bag cause I had an idea.

"Guys! Let's feed the sweets to the birds after class!" I smiled. Alex, Hermione and I shoved them into our bags and went to class.


We sat by the Black Lake, feeding the birds chocolate. They suddenly flew into the school, chasing down the boys.We laughed so hard we were crying.

Then I took out the last note, that was from Malfoy.
Dear Ally,
I know we aren't great friends, but I really need you right now.
It's something I need to tell someone like you. And if you want, you can bring Alex.
But don't tell anyone else, please. Meet me in the hidden room of desires at 12:00 pm. Tomorrow night!
Don't be late.


Should I tell Alex? Should I not?

The Singing Bird And The Last Drip Of Blood *HP Love Story* B6 |On Hold|Where stories live. Discover now