Chapter 4: Back To School!

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Ally's POV

As soon as we got our list of supplies, we headed to Diagon Alley. I put on a shirt that said, 'Me? Sarcastic? Never.' and a pair of jean shorts. I wore only mascara and put on a watch. I slipped on some pink socks and cyan converse, while I waited for Alex. I left my hair naturally, which was red hair (orange) with curls. I put my IPhone (which was in a clear lemonade case.) into my tan bag with navy straps.

Alex came out wearing a top that said, 'Hey. Sorry I'm Late. I Didn't Want To Come.' with jean shorts. She was also wearing lip gloss and mascara. She slipped on a black lacey bracelet and some light blue converse. She put her phone in her bag (which was in a light blue glittery case.) and was ready to go. She had braided her hair today.

"Are you ready, girls?" Mrs. Weasley called out to Alex, Hermione, Ginny and I.

"Yes," we called back.

We headed down stairs, as I made sure I had grabbed my money. I didn't notice anything else as I walked downstairs.

Then of course, I bumped into Harry. His chest was actually really hard, and I was short, so I bumped my head on what fell like a wall.

"Ow," I muttered. Harry gave me a worried expression, but I shook it off. I gave him a small smile as he helped me up. His hands were warm and made my stomach flop. I blushed bright red and Alex gave me a sarcastic smooth, look.

That made me go redder. Harry laughed and said, "Maybe I should just carry you places, you're such a Klutz."

I blushed even more at the thought of Harry carrying me bridal style. Alex and Hermione giggled at my red face. I probably looked like a tomato. We used Floo Powder to get to Diagon Alley. We stated that we would go see Fred and George's new shop after we did all of our shopping. We were all wondering how they got the money and something told me it had to do with Harry.

Hermione and Alex needed to go get some robes. Sirius decided to go with them, which left Harry and I alone. I turned scarlet.

" you want to get books first?" Harry asked. He had also turned red.
"Er...sure?" I said in more of a question way.
He smiled at me softly. His lips attracted my attention but I looked away blushing even more. Oh god, we're such an awkward group (or at least I am). I pretty sure I had Veela powers blasting every where because every boy started to stare at me. That made Harry walk faster, turning a bit red with anger. I was red too, but that was because everyone was staring at me.

"Can you turn that off," he said once in the book shop, even though he was now staring at me too.
"Er...I don't know how to."

Harry sighed as we hunted down our books. I unlike Harry, had to find the book that Hagrid said was needed for his class. I knew no one would sign up because of last year, meaning I could talk to Hagrid about my powers. Dumbledore had told me that soon I will be able to read people's minds too. Which might be interesting?

Okay so the only reason why it would be interesting is because of reading Harry's mind. Which I've wanted to see how he really feels about me.


(A few weeks later)

We got onto the Hogwarts train and waved bye to Sirius and Mrs. Weasley. This year, Hermione and Ron were Prefects. Harry was Quiditch Captain. I could learn how to read people's minds with private lessons Dumbledore was giving me. Alex was going to learn how to control her powers. Liam was going on dates with Alex.

Everything is going to go wrong this year. I could feel it. Since Hermione and Ron had to go to the Prefect's compartment, Harry, Alex, Liam and I had to find a compartment. We decided to sit with Luna and Neville.

Who should be dating might I add. I really want them to date each other, sorry!

"How have your summers been?" I asked them.

"Great," Neville said, "I thought Granny wouldn't like all the publicity but she didn't mind. She said I was starting to grow to my dad's name. Look she even got me a new wand!"

We all smiled at Neville's happiness.

Luna asked if we were doing DA meetings again but Harry said no. He said that since Umbridge wasn't teaching anymore, there was no point. Luna and Neville argued but Harry still said, no.

The six of us talked all the way to Hogwarts with giant smiles on our faces.

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