Chapter 7: The Trap

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Just went to a party for the new book! I had so much fun. Btw my birthday is tomorrow, August 1st, the day after Harry's.

Alex's POV-

Ally came up to me in the bright and early morning. She had obviously never fallen asleep last night and seem insanely tired.

"Hey Alex, read this," Ally said handing me a note. I shoved it in my pocket and walked to her.
"Are you okay?" I asked her.
She shrugged, "I'm fine."

MOST COMMON LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dun dun dunnnnnn!

"Okay well, I'll see you later," I smiled (pretending to anyways...)

She walked off but left her bag behind. I grabbed it and headed up to my room. I locked the door and then looked through the bag. It was normal stuff but then I found an old book. It wasn't that old though.

I opened it to see Ally's name in front that said, "Ally Sentairo," then the Sentairo was crossed out to Crouch.

I read the first page.

This is insane. Hogwarts! Being a witch! I mean I'm only eleven but I going to live in a boarding school castle! For magic! Insanely awesome! I feel so grown up! I even have a crush on a cute boy with green eyes and raven hair! His name is Harry! I just hope I don't turn into a sarcastic teenager who hates everything.

-Ally Sentairo :)

I laughed at the fact that she did become one of those teenagers. I wonder why she thought it would be so bad. Whatever. It's not like she got out much. Then I flipped to another page. It was in from fourth year.

Cedric. Cedric. Cedric Diggory. Harry Potter. Harry. Cedric I miss you.

There were tear stains covering up the rest of the page. Then I turned to a page from last year.

I dying here! I was just in Umbridge's office because I skipped class! She made me cut myself. The blood was everywhere, bright and red. I don't want to admit it but I cried. Not because of the pain. Because of Harry getting in there for Cedric. Oh god, Cedric. I mean like, you do realize I loved him. And he died. I miss him and no one realizes how much it sucks to hear people talk about his death. Cedric was a Veela too, so he knew how it felt to be stared at. I could relate to him. It sucks. He's all I can think about. His heart was always loyal.

-Ally Crouch.
Sorry Harry, if you read this, but I loved him more.

I frowned and turned to a page from this year. It was from yesterday.

Malfoy gave me a note. He needs me. But I need someone too. I mean I'm the freaking chosen one and I can't tell anyone. I will never be able to tell anyone. How am I supposed to cope with this. Plus what if meeting Malfoy at 12:00 o' clock at night is a trap. I'm not sure if I should tell Alex • um, gotta go• Alex.

I gasped. Should I tell Ally I read her diary or what?


Ally's POV-

Alex walked over to me and handed me my bag. I frowned.

"Hi, um...Ally...uh..." Alex started to stutter and then I knew what she saw. I groaned.

"You read my journal didn't you," I said.

Without her answer and stormed off after grabbing my bag. I went to the black lake and got out my journal. I started sobbing and crying. I was dead meat now. Voldemort could now come and murder me any second now. I then noted, I would have to leave Hogwarts very soon. I whipped out my wand and made a bag out of thin air.
I then did a spell to make infinity luggage, and started packing. I ran back up and got a tent, sleeping bag, and then shoved it into my bag. I hid the bag and started planning.

"I know you're mad at me for invading your privacy but something made me want to read it. It was like a spell or something."

"It was a curse, not a spell. And you wouldn't get it. You don't understand," I shouted.
I grabbed my stuff and ran. I grabbed my bag and everything. I kicked open the window and jumped, then turned into a bird with my bag in my claws. I soared over trees

Then I realized, I couldn't leave now. I could only stay here for a bit, and Hogwarts was still the safest place. I flew back and sighed. I think Dumbledore knew by now. I walked to his office.

"I know, I know, but I think it's best if you get your own room and attend private classes, so no one else reads it. Lucky for you, she only read two important pages. I can erase the fact of the chosen one, that she read. Now in your new room, you'll have an undetectable secret room for important stuff. I'm sorry Ally, but you won't see your friends for a while, but it's a life or death situation. Now about Malfoy, I suggest you meet him, but take Alex along, that might be your only time together. I will give your schedule tomorrow after classes," Dumbledore handed me a box.

I frowned then Dumbledore came to a painting. It was a beautiful painting of the woods with a waterfall, with a deer grazing. Dumbledore pressed his finger lightly on a rock next to the waterfall. The door opened and then I gasped.

Wow! I bet you guys are wondering what the heck is going on. This was a fast chapter. So anyways here's a small review.

Alex read Ally's journal which has something to do with Voldemort killing her.
ally now is taking private lessons and has her own room.
Ally needs to visit Malfoy.

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