Chapter 8: What Really Was Going On

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Ally's POV-

Dumbledore had given me a journal in first year, and he told me to write in it everyday. He said that if anyone read it, something bad would happen. In fifth year he told me after the big battle that if someone read it, what they read would go to Voldemort and he could learn how to defeat me. I then asked him why he gave it to me then, and then he told me, "Because Harry needs to read it."
But I had to hide it until Harry was to read it. Which should happen sometime this year.
My new room was spectacular but I'm still moving my stuff into it.
There was a painting above my dresser and went you pressed your finger on it, it would open up to a slide to a secret room.


Finished packing. Kinda lonely and it's only day one! I really miss Harry though. And Alex. And Hermione, Ron, and Liam. But I can't see them until Harry reads the stupid book. I just can't stop thinking about him! We only really dated once, and that feels like forever ago. Though, I think I'm finally out of the Cedric phase. That was awful!

-Ally Crouch ;)

I pressed my finger on the painting and fell softly into a new couch. I placed the book on my new table.

I lit the candles in my room and curled up into a grey blanket

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I lit the candles in my room and curled up into a grey blanket. I fell asleep there.

Me: Hey Alex?
Alex: Yes?
Me: Meet me at the Room of Requirement in twenty minutes!
Alex: Okay?
Me: Sry about earlier, I'll explain it later...
Alex: it's ok it was my fault 2

I quickly changed into this:

A top that said, "I don't like morning people

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A top that said, "I don't like morning people. Or mornings. Or people." Then I threw on some jeans and black Toms. I yanked my red hair into a ponytail then put my phone in my pocket. I put on mascara and pale pink lipstick, then black earring and a watch.
I suddenly grabbed my journal then I headed to the thirteenth floor. Five minutes later Alex came down wearing this:

She wore a top that had famous New York buildings, then pink jeans

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She wore a top that had famous New York buildings, then pink jeans. She had a half up-half down bun and wore mascara and blue nail polish. She had leaf earrings on and a blue watch. I looked down at her feet. Cyan converse.

"Hey..." Alex stated, her voice slowly trailing off.

"Sorry about the journal, there's just something in there that's, well secret...and if Voldemort found out—"

"It's fine. I would be upset too."

I passed her the journal. I had ripped out the last page, and it was in my pocket.

"I want you to read it." I smiled.

She didn't have anything that was super important in it so, why shouldn't she read it?

"Ah, Alex, Ally, I'm glad you came."

We turned to see Malfoy.

"I still can't believe we're here to see him," Alex muttered.

"I can hear you!" Malfoy said.
Alex just shrugged.

We went into Doom of Requirement, I mean Room of Requirement.

"I want to trust you two."

"What?" We said together.

Hey guys, sorry I didn't update, I was on a trip. Sorry. I will also update tomorrow if you're also reading my Percy Jackson fanfic, I Don't Belong Here.

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