Chapter 9: You Mean??

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Alex's POV-

"With what?" I asked.

"That's not important now. I just need to know if I can trust you two?"

"Um...sure?" Ally questioned.

"Okay good," Malfoy said.

Yes, he's still Malfoy!

"First you have to tell us why you hate Hermione and I so much!" Ally demanded.

"Well, I kinda, maybe might have a crush on you two."

Our eyes widened with realization. We talked for a while then left.


Ally: I won't be at classes today. 😕
Me: Why not?
Ally: Reasons...
Me: ☹️
Ally: Dumble is forcing me not to...
Me: ohh.
Ally: just tell me if Harry you no, misses me?
Me: Sure 😉
Ally: Not the ;) Face!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO
Me:  😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

I pushed my phone into my bag and got dressed. I wore my Hogwarts Uniform and headed downstairs. Last night before we went our separate ways, she told me not to tell anyone about our meeting that we happened to have last night. Not even Liam. Ever since Ally left which was a few days ago (Three to be exact...) Harry has not talked to anyone. It's weird...Harry just doesn't want to talk about it. He says, 'that I won't be bothered to care...I mean it's not like we were dating or anything,' but to be honest, everyone knows he cares a lot. Which I think instead of Ally, Harry is forcing himself that he likes Ginny more. Which by the way, Ginny is dating Dean, so really, it's not fair.

"Any news on Ally?" Harry casually asked like it was an everyday subject.

"Nope," I said slyly.

I should a be a Slytherin! ;)

"Why should you be a Slytherin?" Liam asked.

My god, old habits always come back. I spent the whole first year blurting out my thoughts. It was actually kinda funny. (I NEVER FORGET WHAT I'VE WRITTEN!! ;))


That night, I whisked myself away from everyone else and went to go see Ally. She was waiting so I guess she expected me.

"Hey," I said as I walked in.

"Hullo do you want to watch Once Upon A Time?" Ally asked.

"Sure," Once Upon A Time was a series Ally and I got into in fourth year. I'm kinda glad magic doesn't come with a price in this world.


We had dozed off and the Tv was still playing. Other than that, the room was quiet. Ally was still asleep.

Then I heard screams.

I'm so so sorry 😭😢😪 its been two months! TWO months! I'm sorry this chapter is short but cliffhanger.

Love you guys,
CookieOwl (Ava)

The Singing Bird And The Last Drip Of Blood *HP Love Story* B6 |On Hold|Where stories live. Discover now