Syrup Fic

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It was a early Saturday night. My mother was spooning me in the bed next to me.

"If the Kool-aid man came on someone's face, would it be red?" My mother asked.

I cried.

I cried for hours and hours, my mothers arms wrapped around my waist.

"Mother...What would Aunt Jemima do?" I curiously wondered.

I felt a sharp pain in my spine. My own mother was stabbing me.

With a syrup bottle.

She sweetly kissed my neck, eating away at the skin. I kept crying. Not out of agony, but out of desperation.

I needed that syrup inside of me.

My mother positioned me so I was on my stomach and ass up. My legs spread far apart.

"Now, daughter, I need you to take this for me. All of it," She whispered in my ear.

I heard the Syrup bottle pop open.


She spread my ass cheeks apart and stuck the tube in my hole. I moaned out in pleasure.

"Now sweetie, I'm going to start pouring. Please, just bare with me."

My mother tilted the syrup bottle, and let the cool, sticky, liquid flow into me.

The sensation of the thick liquid filled me. My breath hitched, wanting more.

"Mother- Ah! I need MORE!" I screamed.

She smacked my ass. Hard. "Do not disrespect me. Do as I say, Young daughter."

I nodded and stayed silent.

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