Syrup fic PART 2

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"I'm almost done with the first bottle, sweetie," my Mother purred into my ear.

I bit down on the pillow. I wanted to tell her it was too much, but I couldn't disappoint her any more.

I felt the syrup bottle pop out of my ass.

"The next bottle? A-already?" I asked worriedly.

That earned me another smack on the ass. I yelped with pleasure and pain.

My mother took the other syrup bottle from the dresser and opened it.

"You're doing great, baby. Keep going." My mom said.

I nodded and bit my lip. She started pouring the syrup down my pink asshole again.

My asscheeks clenched. It felt like a lot, but it was only a bottle and a half.

"Go slower, Mom." And she went slower.

She started massaging my thighs to keep me calm.

"Daughter, loosen up. You're tense."

The bottle was done. And she was moving on to the third container.

"W-wait, Mother," I said.

"What is it now?"

"Do the did last time," I looked over my shoulder to see that my mother had a shit-eating grin.

My mother got up from the bed and went to the kitchen. She came back with something in her hands.


And something else?

A strap on.

She tied the strap on to her naked self and positioned herself behind me.

"Alright, daughter, I'm going to do it."

She quickly stuck the third bottle in me and poured it all down inside my asshole. I cried out. Loudly.

She stood there for a moment, massaging my cheeks with her hands. Then she took a pancake and rubbed it onto my pussy. I moaned very loudly, loud enough for the entire neighborhood to hear.

My mother stuck a finger into my wet hole, scooping out the syrup onto the cum-soaked pancake.

I yelled out. The pleasure from my Mother was too much to handle. I turned around to see her eating the pancake viciously. I smiled.

Then all of a sudden, she stuck the caramel colored Strap on into me.

I cried.

My hands grasped the sheets as I rocked back and forth.

After I came all over my mothers sheets, I collapsed on the bed.

My mother took off the dildo and spooned me.

Just like before.

"You did so good baby, so good for me," She said into my ear.

I smiled. Happy I gave her what she wanted.

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