Syrup fic PART 3

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It was a week after I had my last session with my mother. I was drained. Since I was being bad, my mother decided I wasn't good enough for the syrup.

"Mother, please. I need it badly," I cried out.

She gave me a glare. "You know what?" She said as she walked closer to me on the bed. "Fine. But I do what I want, okay."

I smiled and nodded. Anything for my mother.

She roughly kissed me, slicking her tongue all around my mouth. I moaned, and she slapped my ass.

She ripped off my clothes, leaving them scattered on the carpet.

Then, mother did something weird.

Handcuffs? Yes.

She brought me to the empty living room and cuffed both my hands to a ceeling pole.

From the corner of my eye, I saw 10 syrup bottles.

"Shut up and stand still," she growled. Hearing her voice all mean made me wet.

My mother opened one of the syrup bottles. Oh how Aunt Jemima brought us close.

She spread my asscheeks apart with one hand, and jammed the bottle into my ass. I screamed out, earning me a spank.

"I said, Shut up, Daughter."

I bit my lip and nodded. I felt the syrup dripping into my anus, and it felt electrifying.

"Who's your mommy?" She asked roughly.

"You are," I moaned.


"You...You are!" I cried out.

Cum and syrup shot out of me like a pistol.

My mom shoved two bottles into me at the same time. It rushed through me, causing me to scream.

I couldn't live without the syrup inside of me. It was a part of my lifestyle. Our lifestyle.

"Now time for the butter," My mom said, grinning wildly.

She rubbed the stick of butter down my leg and then licked it off.

"You like that?"

"Mmmm," I moaned out.

"I said DO YOU LIKE THAT!" My mother growled out.

She pushed the butter into me. I started to cry, from all the pleasure she was giving to me.

My mother wiped my tears away. "It's okay daughter, you did perfect."

I forced a smile. I always do perfect for her. I always do.

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