I - Tower

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"Yeah Munch, I'm already at the airport, thank you so much! I'm gonna miss you and Rhye. See you both again soon!"

It's still 7 in the morning and my flight back home is supposedly at 11:30am. But due to mom calling me to be home because my nephew, DK was rushed to the hospital due to some 'tummy ache' and been calling out my name instead of his parents' (yes, I spoiled him big time), so here I am trying to catch the earliest flight possible as a chance passenger.

I originally came to have a business meeting with one of the suppliers of my coffee shop for a day, but then, decided to stay for another day due to the consistent demands of my best friend for 7 years, Laine and her 4 years old daughter, Rhye. She decided to transfer state when she got married. And yes, 'munch' is our besties terms of endearment. And yes, she's divorced for already 3 years now.

"Miss Zye? Miss Rhian Zye? Your papers are already okay and, you're good to go with the 9am flight." A short guy, probably in his late 50's with bumpy tummy approached me handing me my boarding pass.

"Great! Thank you so much." I said with an all out smile.

So basically, counting the hours to spare, I have 2 hours of stuffing my nose to my book. I don't mind waiting, really. But first, I need to go to the bathroom to avoid, you know, inconvenience to my reading.

I checked myself in the mirror, I was wearing my favorite long-sleeves white dress with royal blue thin stripes. The dress falls halfway before my knee, so I really feel cute. Not sexy. Just. Cute. Because I'm just 5'3" short.

I giggled my thoughts away and head out from the comfort room dragging my mini trolley. My phone rang and I checked it as I stepped out from the door, probably my mom checking on me and- BAM! Feeling dizzy, I realized I bumped into something hard. Was that a pole, maybe?

"Awww" I whined rubbing lightly at my now red forehead. "Ouch, that hurts!"

Someone chuckled, a deep voice, it sounds serenading, how ironic of me. Then I looked up at the towering creature in front of me. So handsome, so tall, and did I just said soooo handsome?

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Are you alright?" His accent so deep, and thick.

"Ugh, yeah. Great! I wasn't paying attention myself." I said with a shy smile like a middle school student talking in front of her crush. I almost rolled my eyes at myself for that.

He nodded with a small apologetic smile and then he walked past me. I wanted to look back to where he was heading but I beat myself to it and go back to a comfortable seat and started reading.

An hour passed consisting of shifting on my seat from time to time figuring out a comfortable position and uttering soft giggles as I read on my my book when I sensed something as if someone is gazing at me. I brought my head up and I saw that tower-guy from a while ago sitting across me, he has a tab on both hands and his elbows resting on his knees. He immediately shifted his eyes to his tab when I caught him looking.

For a moment I was dumbfounded and blinked a few times. I started to feel uncomfortable knowing someone had been staring at me with all my crazy reactions while reading. Feeling so conscious, I pull my dress a little which had gone up a bit due to my shifting and legs crossing while reading (I mean, who doesn't get lost while reading?). I felt my cheeks heat up and I dock my attention back to my book.

For a few minutes, i found myself stealing glances to Mr. Tower- yeah he deserves a freaking nickname. And damn! Now I can't bring myself to concentrate to what I was reading. Then, I decided to send an SMS to my best friend.

To Munch: Munchyyy, I'm not good at this, but there's this handsome guy across me and I feel like I forgot how to breath with all his glory in front of me.

From Munch: Haha! Flirt!

And It even didn't took her long to reply. What a supportive friend.

To Munch: Can I just make him transfer... Or whatever?

From Munch: That bad? Hold your undies up, munch! Aleleleley =]]

To Munch: Ha. Ha! Well, he's sooooo tall....

I started to enumerate to her as I steal glances to Mr. Tower.

To Munch: cute hair, you know the not-so-bedroom-hairstyle

To Munch: fair skin
(looks like fluffy milk that makes me want to lick - I said to myself)

To Munch: nice biceps

To Munch: dimples! He has dimples! He pursed his lips and it showed?

From Munch: You're flooding me Rhi!!! You sounded whipped! Go and flirt! Besides you were wearing something flirtatious already, you don't have to try so hard!

To Munch: you knew I sucked at that genre

From Munch: AND you knew it's time for you to get a boyfriend, old maid.

To Munch: Am not, I don't know about you but I'm feeling 22

From Munch: 23

To Munch: Whatever

From Munch: Srsly, though. It's been years Rhi. Don't you think you deserve to be happy again?

To Munch: I am happy now, Laine.

From Munch: I know, I know. But you need love! And don't you dare give me a reply saying you are loved, because we both know what the hell I'm talking about.

I stared at the screen of my phone for a while. The fact is, Laine is the only person who knows me well enough and the only person who can actually say things right back at me no matter how intimidating I am to others because I chose to shut myself out since that incident two years ago.

From Munch: Alright, I'm sorry. What about you take a picture of that gummy bear there and send it to me, now! =D

I'm trying to hold my giggle as discreet as I can on both of her instant change of topic and suggestion. I opened the camera and held out my phone just a few level to my chest that as if I am just reading a text or whatsoever.

'Am I really doing this?' I asked to myself.

Mr. Tower is currently having a staring contest with his tab seriously and I took the chance to capture the beautiful view in an instant. I shook my head while smiling and said, "I can't believe me."

~ o ~

Sooooooo, this is the first chapter and tell me guys what are your thoughts?

Gel 👼

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