VII - Eruption

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Jake and I agreed that he'll drive us to Smallville to pick up his bike and I'll drive from there to head home. But, when I tried to start driving from there, I think the plan will not going to work.

"You okay there, shortcake?" Jake asked me as he put on his helmet.

"Uhm, yeah? Just a little sting from my foot here."

He looked at me for a few seconds and he took off his helmet and walked closer to me.

"Think you can drive with that?" He asked gesturing at my left foot.

"Yes. Of course." I lied. I don't want to trouble him further.

Looking mused, he said "Let me drive you back." And smirked.

"No, no, no. I'm fine, Jake. I already caused you more-"

"Yeah sure you did. And, you have to pay me soon for the time I wasted on you." He said with a wink.

I gasped and looked at him in disbelief.

"Now, don't waste more of my time and move to the passenger's seat so I can drive you home, shortcake."

I was speechless yet as obedient as I am, I complied.


The drive to my place was so silent. Before we hit the road, he already asked me my address and he didn't have to ask me for more directions.

I think he's clever enough to remember all of the streets.

I think this guy had a serious brain damaged history and some miracle replaced his knowledge with some ability.

I also think he's weird. A handsome kind of weird.

I think-

"Shortcake, you're mumbling like Brielle- trying to add 10 and 1 because her fingers can't count past ten."

Jake effectively brought me back to my senses and I snorted on that.

"Kids. Aren't they so adorable? My nephew also had the same problem adding numbers with more than 10 outcomes." I smiled. "but really? Am I that vague?"

"Mmhmm." He said with a thin smile.

"Oh sorry." I said smiling back.

"Care to share?"

"Naah." I said waving my right hand at him.

"You're not that hard to read, shortcake." He said as he parked my car and stared at me with a smirk. "We're here."

Dimples. I wanna poke it. Someday.

I shook my head and realized we were already at my building. I tried to avoid further eye contact with him as I unbuckle my seatbelt.

"Thanks again, Jake."

"You okay?"

"Huh?" I said confused.

"You look weak." I can sense concern in his tone.

Come to think of it. I can feel fever is knocking since I woke up this morning but I'm trying to ignore it.

You know, it may get tired from knocking and leave me alone.

"I'm fine."




"Excuse me?!"

"Whatever makes you sleep at night, shortcake."

"I am maybe just tired from crying last night, but I'm fine." I snapped.

"Fine." He handed me my car key and turned his heel to walk away.

I watched his back as he walked and suddenly stopped for a few seconds and walked back to me.

"Your wound." He said as he slid his hands to the pockets of his black leather jacket and sighed. "It might give you a fever. It wasn't treated well. You should go to the hospital."

"Okay. Thanks, I guess?"

"Yeah, right." He somewhat did the twist and turn but eventually left.


Yeah, right. Jake was really right.

It's 11:45 in the evening and I still can't sleep because I can feel my eyes, nose and mouth are all spitting fire simultaneously.

Fever did get through in and now, invading my suppose to be sweet dreams and giving me midnight thoughts:

I can't go to the hospital. I hate hospitals.

I can't call my mom. She'll make me go to a hospital.

I can't call my brother, he'll tell mom.

I can't call Rose. I just can't call an employee in the middle of the night. He'll call my brother, they are 'close'.

Well, this sucks.

I grabbed my phone at the night stand and checked through my contact list for some potentials who could buy and deliver me some medicines.

It sucks not to stock meds. And in times like this, how I wish there is a pharmacy who has free deliveries of their pills.

Scrolling from A to B to C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J-

Jake. I forgot I had his number. When did I registered this in?

Without hesitation, I tried to ring his phone to check if he's awake.

One ring. Two. Three... He's probably asleep now and I might wake him up so I ended the call.

After a few minutes of shifting and turning on my bed, my cellphone vibrated.


I answered it and listened for a while.

"Hey, shortcake." Hoarse and deep voice made me flinched. I felt my tummy erupted for few seconds.

"Oh my! Did I wake you up? I'm so sorry." I said weakly.

"Ugh, no. I was about to go to the bathroom and happened to check my phone. What's up?" There goes the eruption again.

I think I might throw up.


Did I just thought that aloud?

"Ugh, no. I mean, yes. You were right. About the fever thing. But I can't drive to buy med-"

"Be there in 5."

"Woah. Don't over speed. I only need medicine and I re-"

And the line goes toot toot toot.

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