Ch. 8 Blackout~ To the Bridge~ To A Place Not So Far Away

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The states and countries in the detention room had distanced each other, only speaking to those related closely to them. The occasional glance that went around the room wasn’t thought much of. Of course, when the lights went out they had no choice but to huddle together.

~With New York

“Life’s out to get me.” New York muttered as Italy’s grip on her tightened. He laughed lightly. “Ve~ What do you mean, bella? Life is being good to us.” He said surely. A scratching sound caused hi mto jump, however, and both he and New York toppled onto the floor.

New York drummed her fingers against the ground hastily. “Second time.” She chanted bitterly. “Sec-ond ti-me.” Italy laughed nervously, adjusting himself so he was next to her. “I can’t see you in the dark, bella.” He said, trying to pull her closer. New York smacked his hand away. “For now, let’s keep it that way.”

“For now?”

“Don’t comment.” New York muttered, thankful he couldn’t see her. Italy laughed, but said nothing further.

Germany held Georgia protectively, but she seemed to want to move away. Still, he simply tightened his grip. “Ve need an organized system and vay to get out of zhis! Any ideas!?” he said.

Georgia cleared her throat, hoping to make her presence known. “Well, you could let go, hun.”

Germany frowned, squinting to see her expression in the dark. To his annoyance, there wasn’t the slightest trace of any features. “Are you uncomfortable?” he questioned.

He heard Georgia huff and sighed. “Well, hun…” he heard her say. “I know where we can find flashlights.” Without another word, Germany loosened his grip, taking hold only of her arm. He wouldn’t allow her to hurt herself in the dark. Unfortunately, Georgia was able to wriggle away after snorting. The disgusting sound caused Germany to release her, only realizing he’d been tricked when she was too far away.

“Georgia!” Germany called. In the dark other side of the room, Georgia reached into a drawer and pulled out a flashlight. She flicked it on, shining it in Germany’s face. “One.” She said calmly, throwing it into his hands.  Taking another, she threw it to Japan, who shined it upward so both he and Hawaii could be seen. “Two.”

Hawaii looked to Japan who looked away. She scowled and turned away as well. It wasn’t as if she wanted to marry him, but she did wonder if it were that reason that he wouldn’t look at her directly. “Japan…” Hawaii said softly. Japan looked at her out of the corner of his eye. “Hai?”

“I’m sorry.” Hawaii breathed. Japan’s eyes widened a bit. “F-For what?” he asked. Hawaii sighed, feeling a blush creep across her face. Feebly, she tried to hide her expression with her bangs, hoping they’d shadow her eyes.

“For hating you all the time. Would you believe me if I said I loved everything about you?”

Germany watched the exchange patiently, glancing at Georgia to see her reaction. The Southern belle was laughing, smiling wistfully. “I’ll be.” She cooed. “Ain’t that the sweetest thing?”

Germany let the word ‘sweetest’ roll around his mind. Was there anything ‘sweet’ about him? A bit of anger slipped into his voice as he spoke, recalling thoughts of how Indiana wooed Georgia without even having to try. “Ve should move now. Does anyone object?”

Japan looked to Germany with a blank expression, then turned to Hawaii. “Hawaii…you don’t mean that.” He stated. Hawaii blinked with frustration. “And how do you know what I mean? You can only go by what I tell you! I told you the truth. What more do you want?” she hissed.

New York noticed that Georgia had stopped giving out flashlights and stood up, reaching for one herself. “Thanks, Georgia.” She muttered sarcastically.

Georgia grinned. “Anytime, honey bee.”

Italy followed New York’s lead, falling into line beside her. “Aye, Germany~ Let’s-a leave, no? This room is just a bit-a scary.”

New York grimaced. “Theirs is nothing scary about this. Where’s Liechtenstein? Better yet, where are Penn and Texas?” she questioned, looking around. Suddenly an announcement rang over the loud speaker.

“Hey, everybody! This is America speaking! Classes are going to be cut short today, so everyone can head back to the hotel, or even better, to their own homes! We’re going to start traveling for lessons soon, starting here in the US. States, I need you guys to pick at least three travel destinations to take your partner/partners. Remember, it will be just you and them. By the way, if you’re wondering how this is working, I have a backup generator! Ahahaha! See you later!”

Georgia glared at the loud speaker. “America, dear…when I find you, I’m gonna wring your neck. New York, still have that Yankee bat?”

“Riled up and ready to be swung.” New York promised, eyes burning. Italy put a comforting hand on her back. “I get to see your home, bella!” he said joyfully. “I’ve never gotten that far with a girl, ve~ It’s a sign!”

New York smacked her own forehead. “It’s not really a good thing. You’re going to hate my home. It’s nothing like Italy.”

Hawaii raised an eyebrow, finally deciding to ignore Japan’s stunned state. They’d talk about it in private. “What are you talking about, Miss New York? You have Little Italy-“

“Little Italian pizzerias!” New York cut in. She sent a warning glance to Hawaii and backed away. Germany didn’t say anything, seeing that she didn’t want to be questioned further. Japan was still in shock, so he didn’t even hear the conversation.

The countries and states shuffled to the door, ready to leave the school after collecting their belongings. May the week of torture begin.

(A/N: Short yes, but it’s a bridge chapter. Still have writer’s block, but I think the whole idea America mentioned will get me started again! In fact, I already have ideas for it! Hope you enjoyed this pathetically short chapter! I’d translate the Italian, but…*cries* I’m a bum! Next time I’ll translate everything -.- Thanks for reading! ~)

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