Lamb Chop~ How Did It Come to This? (Hawaii, Dark! Japan)

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How did it come to this?

Hawaii slowly lifted her eyelids and groaned, trying to lift herself up. A sudden pain in her chest quickly awoke her from her drowsy state, and she regretted moving.

Where am I? Hawaii thought, looking around her, all she could see were remains of a dock and ships floating around her.

Why am I in the water? She thought, quickly realizing she too was floating.

She looked up at the sky, hoping to for an indicator of what had happened. The sky was a dark, smoky, evil-looking gray instead of the cheery blue that she loved dearly.

Hawaii winced as she stared up at it, whatever had happened, it couldn’t have been good. Hawaii searched her memory for an answer to at least one of her questions.

All she could remember was coming down to America’s naval base for a meeting about the war in the Europe and the Atlantic… Then she remembered Japan was there, he was there for the meeting…. No, No he was there-

Then it hit her like a fret train, Hawaii’s stomach flipped, her mouth became dry, and her heart stopped beating for a moment.

Japan, J-Japan, he had-, suddenly the pain from the hours of bombing hit her all at once. She thrashed out in the water and screamed.

NO, NO She didn’t want to feel this pain. Her entire body was aching from it but, the hardest blow had hit her heart.

Japan was her friend, w-why would he hurt her? She remembered the words he had spoken to her when she had asked him about the war meeting….

“Japan” Hawaii said excitedly, ‘Finally someone I can talk to in these meeting.

“Ohayou gozaimasu Hawaii” Japan said, he didn’t look happy to see her in fact he was emotionless but, in a more hostile way than usual. His dark brown eyes were a deadly black and he was wearing his black suit instead of his usual white one.

“Ohayou Gozaimasu” Hawaii replied happily, not picking up on any of dangerous atmosphere, “Are you here for the meeting too?”

“Chigau, I am here for you” Japan said with a strained smile.   

“Really! Why?” Hawaii said excitement filling her, it was always nice when Japan came but usually it was only for business never her specifically.

Japan smile quickly dropped, then resurfaced looking painful on his face. “You’ll see soon”

“Okay” Hawaii said happily, turning to leave “I’ll just tell America, you’re her-“

“NO” Japan shouted grabbing Hawaii’s wrist, causing Hawaii to jump.

Hawaii then saw it, the black suit, the dangerous eyes and the twisted look behind them. Hawaii felt the blood drain out of her face.

“This is our little secret, hai?” Japan said putting a gloved finger to his lips and his other hand tightening the grip on her wrist.

Hawaii nodded vigorously, fear was apparent in her face. Japan’s face softened, releasing his grip on her wrist and turned around leaving. Hawaii was still dumbstruck by what had happened but she could hear Japan mutter “Watashi o yurushite kudasai” just before he walked away.

Hawaii walked away slowly towards the dock, every time she came to Pearl Harbor, she sat on the edge and stared at the sky, the beautiful blue sky and reflected upon her life or just became lost in thought. Eventually someone would come get her for a meeting or something.

Hawaii sat on the dock, looking at the sky, thinking about Japan and why he had come, what he wanted…. A buzzing noise quickly broke her away from her thoughts. In the sky, Hawaii could see a dozen planes coming over.

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