Chapter Twenty-One: Winding Down

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“Welcome to Washington D.C, miss-“

“Please don’t talk to me.” Jackie gave the stewardess a pointed glance before walking past her. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll avoid any further contact with me.”

The stewardess’s lips parted slightly in a way that suggested that she wanted to say something but was unsure of the consequences. Jackie paid her no mind beyond her threat. People were bothersome, obnoxious, and above all ignorant. Crime danced in eternal flames around them. Hatred circled them like vultures, but did they care? No. They didn’t even see it and it was this way only because they didn’t want to see it. Jackie didn’t know what had her in such a foul mood that afternoon, but she didn’t fight her contempt.

As she passed through the terminals, a familiar glimpse of blue caught her eyes. Standing and leaning against a wall was a blonde young man, his electric blue gaze settled on her. Jackie flipped an obscene gesture in his direction. She’d always disliked staring. She didn’t care where she was.

At the sight of the gesture, the young man eased off the wall, an amused grin playing on his lips. Jackie scowled and averted her gaze. There was no time for foolishness. Whatever game was beginning would need to end before it truly started. Surely Feliciano and Lovino would be waiting outside the airport. Goodness knows how much Feliciano hated waiting. Jackie didn’t feel like being arrested as an accomplice when the foreign man decided to kill some wretch because she made him wait.  The brothers were psychotic on a new level… then again, it seemed like everyone associated with them was some type of crazy.

“Hey, you don’t have to ignore me, you know.” Jackie snapped her head in the direction of the voice, grimacing when she realized that the young idiot from before was now at her side, grinning childishly. He nodded towards the exit. “Do you need a ride? I can take you wherever you’re going.” He moved to touch Jackie’s arm, but she knocked his hand away.

Jackie snorted. “Get out of my face. Why would I accept a ride from the stranger?”

The man shrugged and adjusted his glasses. “Everybody is a stranger until you get to know them. Why don’t you get to know me?”

Jackie was ready to push past him and moved to do so until his other hand shot out to hold her. Jackie gritted her teeth at the sudden change in his expression. Suddenly, he was amused or grinning. Instead, his eyes looked glossy as if he wanted to cry. His hold was tight, not with the intent of harm, but as if he was yearning for something. He shivered visibly as if trying to hold something back.

“Or maybe you already know me.” He added in a hushed, desperate tone. Jackie released a muffled scream as he pulled her into a hug. “Have you been lonely?” he continued, burying his face in her hair. “Scared? Unsure? Does it hurt to have been away for so long? Can you honestly look at me and say you don’t remember?” When he pulled away, he seemed closer to tears, his bottom lip trembling.

Jackie gave him a blank look. “I don’t remember.” And she shoved him to the side. With his back turned to her, the young man breathed in and out for a few moments before lifting his head. He relaxed his shoulders and tightened his hands into fists. In a faint but audible voice, Jackie could have sworn she heard him breathe, “Do it.”

A shot fired off causing a mass panic in the airport. Alarms rang, people screamed and ran frantically, trying to escape wherever the bullet had come from. Jackie reached into her coat pocket for a switchblade and flicked it open. Never bring a knife to a gun fight, that’s how the saying went. Well, Jackie never really gave a crap about other’s advice. Why start now?

With a keen eye, she looked up, left, right, and repeated, searching for the person who’d fired. Finally, she saw her. Light brown hair, dark eyes and nonchalant expression. She lifted two pistols, one in each hand, and smiled.  “How goes it, Northern sister? Why don’t you show me how they act in Manhattan?”

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