Broken Walls

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Connie rolled her eyes at Grace's impatience and Jacob chuckled before kissing her cheek and making his way to the bedroom door.

'Muscles,' she called as he was closing it behind him. Turning back with raised eyebrows and a prying smirk, he waited for her to continue.

Jacob tried to interpret her thoughts and anticipate the words she was attempting to form, as she stood motionless. Her eyes scanning over his body being the only movement made as she hesitated.

Without warning and without the speaking of another word, she leaned forwards and kissed him with a gentleness that alleviated them both of all the thoughts and emotions they previously carried, leaving just one. One singular, distinct feeling that flowed through them both. She slowly broke away from him but remained close enough so that their lips were almost leaning against each other, begging to reconnect. Studying his features, a smile eased its way across her expression as she took his face in her hands, watching him endearingly and whispered in a tone so delicate and tender it almost distracted him from the words she spoke.

'I love you.'


Jacob's heart skipped a beat in shock.

A wave of relief then overtook him as the words rang beautifully in his ears. He couldn't ever have put into words everything he was thinking in a moment that he'd yearned for, for so long. It was surreal.

The way in which their situation had changed so dramatically within days made everything feel fragile, like the smallest of knocks would shatter them but Jacob knew that he would give everything he had and more to protect the beauty of what they shared. And his concern was quickly suppressed by the joy that ran through his bones, triggering each nerve in his body as the words sounded in his heart repeatedly.

His smile illuminated his face as the emotions ran free across it while Connie watched him, cherishing the moment as she realised how much he had softened her, warmed her, broken the iron clad walls she surrounded herself with. She was thankful that he had persisted, despite her attempts to cut him loose- not that it was ever her choice. But now that she had him, now that everything was perfect, she had no intention of ever letting him go.

Their eyes met and they became entranced, unable to break free from the hold between them as they effortlessly read each other's thoughts, both having only one thing on their mind. They had stayed painfully close to each other and when Jacob pressed his lips against hers she returned it immediately- softly at first but then her emotions manifested into the growing passion of their embrace.

In silence, she broke away and began to leave the room, allowing them both to let the moment that meant everything, slowly sink in.
He watched her in awe as she gracefully made her way downstairs.

Connie was met by an unimpressed Grace who had been waiting irritably, unknown to her that those treasured minutes were the cause of her mother's current state of happiness.

'Sorry darling,' she apologised whilst placing a quiet kiss upon her daughter's forehead who was slightly taken aback by the gesture but appreciated it nonetheless.

Picking up her keys and leather jacket, she looked longingly once more, back towards the top of the staircase where Jacob stood in admiration of her beauty. She flashed a bright smile and he winked with a smirk - a look of his that she adored.

Securing the door behind her, she felt the instant craving to be back in his arms but was snapped away from her thoughts when the sound of Grace crying out in pain drew her full attention.

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