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He returned minutes later holding a hot drink in his right hand and a small lunch in his left.

He edged the door open but Connie wasn't aware of his presence until he whispered her name. She turned to look at him with her tear stained cheeks and tired eyes which then fell to the contents in his hands and she raised her eyebrows.

"Don't worry it's not hospital food." He joked light-heartedly, approaching her.

She let out a small laugh and Jacob's heart melted at it's sound. It seemed like forever since he'd made her smile like that and he couldn't help but show how it captivated him. It also lead Connie into realising that it was always Jacob who brightened even the darkest of days.

"Eat." He placed the pasta box on her lap. "And drink." He slid the coffee into her hands.

She looked down at the food in amusement and he cherished the thankful expression that then graced her face.

Hours went by and they sat together in a comfortable silence- listening only to the steady signals that rang from the machines informing them of Grace's stability. Connie allowed her head to rest against Jacob's firm chest as he stroked her hair with one hand and held her close with the other.


He shifted so that he could see her comfortably. Her lips didn't move again but he knew what she was trying to say.

"Anytime." His light expression, full of warmth, contrasted the serious tone he used in his voice to show her he meant what he said. Her eyes didn't move from his and he matched her careful gaze. They sat, motionless, for a moment before the chemistry overpowered their unconvincing resistance. Her hands lifted to softly caress his face and his fell to her waist as he edged her closer; they were centimetres away, his lips leaning against hers.

"Mum?" Grace called weakly as the tube they had used to ventilate her had caused an uneasiness in her throat and Connie pulled away immediately. 

"Grace? Baby, I'm here Grace, I'm here."  She reached for her daughter's hand as tears filled her eyes. Grace tried to sit up but Connie warned her against it when she saw her daughter wince in pain.
Jacob was overcome by a sense of relief- seeing Grace conscious again and to see that the tears in Connie's eyes were caused by something other than sadness, cleared the weight that had pressed down on his heart since he first heard Connie's scream in resus.
A light washed over her face and Jacob watched for a moment to admire how beautiful she looked when she was happy.

He turned his attention to the young girl lying before him and wasn't sure exactly how to approach the situation. He knew she was partly the reason Connie broke up with him and was concerned she wouldn't react well to him being there now.

"Hey Grace." He said with a tense unsurity. 

"Jacob?" She smiled and it registered that the tone in her voice had been hopeful and warm opposed to the cold disinterest he was expecting. He sighed to relieve the short breath he'd held and went to rest his hand above Connie's. "You gave us quite a scare, firecracker."

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