Chapter V

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OMG I'm so sorry I almost forgot.
I've begun my holidays off school and my days have begun to blur already. I'll admit, the Elder Scrolls Online has redeveloped its place in my life and it's grown bigger in the space of 3 days. (Ebonheart Pact ftw)
Anyway, here's chapter 5, along with swearing and my unedited rambles. I'll fix any mistakes when I wake up after this long sleep I'm about to have. Enjoy!
(Also this hasn't technically broken my chain of Friday updates because it's still night here so it's still Friday okay shush)

The wind howled through what little entrance it was given, snow lashing against the glass in protest as Cordia yanked the window closed. She heaved a breath as she took a glance at the gale outside, and shuffled a little closer to the glass to look down upon Insomnia.

It was well into winter, and the entire sprawling mass of a city had been covered with a pearly blanket. It had looked pretty for the first few days, but when the winds hit, the snowstorms began, and very little productive work had been completed in the city. She was glad that was none of her concern though, and work within the palace was more than enough for her.

Tullia had taken it upon herself to decorate the palace from head to toe. Preparations for the Christmas celebration began weeks ago, and they were still well underway into the late weeks of December. Cordia, along with every other servant, had been tasked with assisting her in any way they could, but she was glad she still had Noctis as an excuse to get away from the hasty chaos.

There were two people she had to worry about now; Noctis, and Sidonia. The prince had caught a cold, but he seemed more relieved than anything to have an excuse to avoid Luna's spontaneous walks. He had been bedridden these last few days, and her hands were full juggling his care with her sister's.

Sidonia had fallen ill after the episode she went through a few days ago now. According to Lady Luna, she had had some kind of strange premonition, and promptly fallen into a comatose-like state straight after. It had been a relief when she'd woken a day later, but the cold affected her too, and she was soon tucked away in bed as well as the prince.

Though she hated to admit it, Noctis came first; he was the prince, and Regis had asked her personally to take care of him. Plus, Noctis trusted only her to take care of him when he was sick, he'd said, and if loyalty didn't instantly win her over, the unintentional puppy dog eyes he automatically gained along with sickness did.

It was a relief, though, to know that Tullia had promised to keep an eye over Sidonia. It was nice to know she wasn't the only one caring for her anymore.

Cordia sighed as she stepped back from the window. As she broke her reprieve, she remembered she had some scolding to do.

"Why was this window open?" she asked, turning her head to look over at the pile of blankets and duvets the prince's bed had become.

"I don't know." Noctis grumbled, though it was muffled and ended up sounding more as an incoherent collective of mumbled sounds.

Cordia sighed, "There's no air to be breathing in during winter, your highness," she said in a melancholy tone. "It'll freeze up your lungs before you even take a breath."

Noctis made some kind of grunt of agreement, and the only response other than that she got was that the lump beneath the blankets lifted just a little for a moment, before it dropped back down. He really liked to use the smallest hint of illness to his greatest advantage if it meant sleep.

She wandered back to the bed, settling on the edge of it and ignoring Noct's overdramatic groans. He was a great actor when he wanted to be, really.

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