July 22, 2016

63 5 2

I have one word...


Its been a week and a half since I last cut, and today I had to be stupid and carve ugly onto my leg. I'm a fucking wreck. I hate myself, I hate my family, shit, I even hate that I have friends. Because who would actually want to be friends with someone so fucking stupid and ugly? I hate that I feel like I shouldn't be allowed to like anyone, or even have anyone care about me. But who am I kidding? No one likes me anyways, they all lie. Everything anyone says is a lie. Its funny how easy it is for someone to lie and say nice things to you, to keep you from killing yourself. Its like, "Oh you're so beautiful, you shouldn't hate yourself!" or "Sweetie, you are worth it, please don't cut anymore." I hate it. Lies, lies, and more lies are all anyone say and I'm sick of it.


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