August 16, 2016

28 3 0

My family situtation: 

So, my mom had 2 boys before me. They're Jay and Anthony. They had 2 different dads. They got taken away for no reason, so says my mom... Then came me. My dad left before I was born. (yet another different dad than the boys) Then for 7 years my mom was with Miner, my sister, Miranda's, dad. Miranda's dad kicked me and my mom and Miranda out. Then we lived in a trailor park with my mom's 1st bf, Miner's next door neighbor. He was Goldie. They dated for a couple years, till I saw them having sex when I was 9. Then he left. Then she dated some other guy for a year, and then he left. I don't even remember his name... but I liked him and thought he'd stay, but he didn't and it broke me even more than Miner did. Now when I was 10, she met Kenneth, aka Buddy. I named him Buddy cause he wouldn't tell me his name. He's been with us for 6 years almost. He's the father of Kenan (5) Keke (4) and Kierra (1). He's mean, and verbally abusive to me 24/7 as well as my mom. But she hits us too...Miner is nice, and gives us money from time to time now. He pays for school supplies and clothes every year.

So what does this have to do with today? Well Miner came by to give us money and asked about the cargo pants I want. Now before I could say anything Buddy butts in and answers for me. I hate when he does that. Anyways, I just agreed with his answer of, "She's got her own style. She likes to look like a boy." UGH. I hate him so much! Anyways, Miner replies with, "I always though women should look feminine... but since you're my girl, I'll get you what you want."

Now. I'm not "His girl" He KICKED ME OUT. He didn't want me, and now I'm his girl now?!? Fuck him! I hate him! I hate that he kicked me out cause I wasn't really his... But I couldn't tell him any of this, cause he's been so nice the past few months, so I ended up writing it here...



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