Chapter 7⚡Training⚡

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It has been ten minutes and I'm still laughing at how that boy came at Liz.

He tackled her to the ground and shifted then Dylan came over and kicked him in the snout. The boy went half way across the field and hit a tree and broke its spine.

He got back up and charged at Dylan and Dylan jumped up in the air and landed on the small wolfs back and pushed its pressure point in his neck then pulled his head back.

The wolf tripped on his own leg and fell head first in the mud,as all his bones gave out.

He had to go with the pack doctor who is trying to find a way to wake him but nothing's working. "This pack sucks "I whined.

We trained for 30 mins but everyone was worried about Dave ( the guy that lost). I could tell that people's heads were not on task so I said "10 mile run. I hope that will teach them to stop worrying about others all the time and worry about yourself don't get me wrong it's okay to worry just have to push it to the back of your head tell you finish what you got to do or you'll die." And we all don't want that I said thinking about there deaths and a small smile came to my face.


What seemed like a century later the nightrider pack came back from the run.

''THAT.WAS.HORRIBLE. '' I yell. They look at me with a shut-the-fuck-up- or- I'll-kill-you look. And I didn't like that one bet.

I may not be Luna YET but I do have issues when it comes to respect and if I don't get it there will be hell  to pay so I said ''150push up now! '' There was a lot of groaning and that just made me want to bitch slap every single one. ''My pack would think 150 was like heaven.'' I said and my pack nodded.

After they took 45 minutes to to push ups I let them go first they were not ready for what I had in store. Second there pouting is frustrating me and third I can't stand to look at there fucked faces anymore. And mostly Kyle said I can't kill anyone or any slut, some times I want to bitch slap him.

''I heard that''Kyle said looking at me with love and a smirk on his kissable lips.

,,Damn pack link''was all I can say.'' You know you love me so freaking much'' he said with a goofy smirk.

I was going to reply when I hear a loud crash and then someone yell my name. I look to the do to see Matt looking mad as fuck which made me almost laugh. almost

I haven't even seen him since I found out about my Kyle. He as been avoiding me and I like it a lot but like they say all things must come to a end.

''Why is your pack still training and mine isn't'' Matt yelled in my face.'' Because the suck ass just like you''I yelled.

''Hold on ass is good if it comes from the right person''a drunk teen said that I recognize as Josh who use to get drunk and bet the shit out of me he tried to rape me once but Alice came in.

''NOT NOW!?!?! JOSH''Matt roared in my face.

"Like I said why won't you train my pack right"Matt said still yelling. "First I would but they tried to give up after 1 mile and then when I said push up 22 of them past out on the 6 or 7th one. And second if you trained them right in the first place I wouldn't have to do it." So suck on that I yelled.

"I suck on it"Josh said I was going to say something when Zoe round- housed kicked him in the face and Josh hit the ground and was out like a light. I high five her.

"Why the fuck you do that "Matt said.

"Maybe because when I was in the house this fuck-tarred was touching all on me." Zoe yelled him." OH "was all he said. "Yea and VI Kyle said we should train them but take it slow okay." I nodded and stared calling for the Nightrider pack leaving Matt.


"What "was all I hear. I keep the growl from coming out of my throat that so wanted to come and out.

"Your "alpha" want you to train so that's what we going to do"  I said annoyed when I said Alpha.

"Alpha she can't train us she's to weak and slutty to do so." some brave ass pack member said. The nightrider pack roared in laughter.

"Let me prove how I am able to train your candy asses"I said. "What you going to do tells some made up story about how you took down some wolf" the same person said. The nightrider pack laughter even louder which made me blood boil.

"I'm going to fight the person that's talking" I said. The laughter stopped then started again. sure you are some people said.

"If you are so big and bad come up and stop hiding in the shadows like a baby "I teased.

The crowed parted like the Red Sea and a guy that I hate more than anyone that hated me more than anyone was right there in front of me.

"Hello, little sister "Blake said. "I haven't been your sister for a long time Blake." I said with a cold sad voice.

" You will always be my sister the sister that killed my twin" he spat out.  "Shut the fuck up I didn't kill him you prick" I spat out also.

"Now pick your form "I yelled at him.

"Wolf" he said and he went to shift behind a tree. I shifted while he was gone. Everyone but my pack was shocked I was a pure white wolf but my paws, ear, and tip of my tale was a light blue it looked like it glows in the dark you know why because it does. Blake looked shocked like everyone else but he shook it off.

We circled around each other trying to find a weak spot. I found his leg was weak probably from not healing right.

He charged at me and I side stepped him and he hit the ground. While he was picking himself up I bit him in the leg he tried kicking me but I put my paw on his leg after awhile I lifted him up and though him against a tree. I ran towards him I knew he was going to move and try to grab me. So I shifted from wolf to human in a blink of an eye with my clothes still on. He tried grabbing me with his teeth but I put one hand under his chin and other on his back. I land on his back shifting again putting all my wolfs wait on him.

He fell on the ground.

Hey! I'm not fat he is just weak.

I then bet his neck not to kill him just to make him numb he gave me a glare that would have made me shit my self 2 years ago. He then submitted to me.

I got up and shifted to my humans form and fixed my clothes. I looked at him and got in his ear and yelled" GET TO WORK OR ELSE!!! "he quickly got up and the started to listen and stop complaining.

All I could think was....



Sorry for not updating don't hate me for this chapter I can't thing right this one thing called life got in my way so I told it to step aside


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