Chapter 18 Why now

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I can't believe I have three children stuffed in side of me, just waiting to pop the fuck out.

I'm so happy but really annoyed because Liz keeps saying " that's why you should use protection"

I slapped the shit out of her but when see tried to slap me back I point to the big gum ball that I call a stomach.

"Hello angle and hello baby's" Kyle said kissing me then my stomach.

"Hey baby what you up too today" I said looking a the proud man I call my mate.

"Ummm I got a meeting today and then later we can go shopping for my boys and my little girl so they can be stylish when they come popping out mommies-" I cut him off.

"Woe woe woe no dirty talk" I said moving back a little.

"I know your going to be a great mother." He said kissing me and then he left.

After he left my wolf that has been going bananas in my head ever since she found out about the kids is asking a lot of questions that I can't answer yet like.....

" are the boys going to look like Kyle?, Is the girl going to look like us?, Are they going to look alike?, Will they be heathy?, Which ones going to be the oldest?, What's going to be there names?, Whats there mate going to be like?."

As she was talking the doorbell went off.

"Coming" I yelled and went to get the door.

I opened the door and there stood two very large men that made me almost piss my self.

Wait... what are these kids making me scared for my life.

Anyway's the men were about 6'4 and one had an eyepatch. Im going to call him "doctor eye" While the other had a scar on the right side of his face I'm going to call him " scar" They had big muscles and they where twins.

"Hello how may I help you"I said to the tall nice but scary looking men

"Is Kyle here?" They said at the same time with creepy smiles( that's not creepy at all) note the sarcasm.

"No not at the moment... but he will be back a little later so you can come back then." I said with a small smile."

They looked at each other and smiled then looked back at me.

This will smell funny. Doc. eye said and I passed out and but not before Scar picked me up and ran to are boarders.

I need names for the kids. so help me out plz.

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