Chapter 1

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Avis woke to the sound of birds chirping and the light creeping in through her window. That morning she went through her usual routine; brushing short blonde-ish hair, putting on her cherished cyan blouse and pulling on pants before eating a homemade meal. After doing her chores, she darted outside to play with Scout. On their playful walk, they hear people scream. Avis started to run over but stopped when she realized that Scout was still standing in place, rooted to the spot. "Scout, come on! We should hurry. Aren't you curious? It has to be something new."

"We should run the other way to your father maybe or to someone that can fight, or has that gear, you know just incase. I might be a little curious but it could be dangerous."

"But we were trained how to defend ourselves like everyone here and how to climb these types of trees. What would be the fun in going and getting someone?"

"Fine. But I will only follow your lead. Just don't make me do anything where I have to come up with something."

"Ok!" Avis said enthusiastically, grabbing hold of Scout's arm and running towards the area from which the scream came from.

When they arrived there was already a small crowd of people with parents and older siblings, elders looking like they were protecting the youngest ones. Cautiously, Avis walked through the crowd, Scout following close behind. When Avis finally reached the front of the crowd, she saw two strangers. The one that caught her eye first was short and had his swords drawn. He wore an outfit that was similar to one that Avis once found in her attic, but it looked newer and much cleaner. He wore a cravat, at least that was what Scout called it when she whispered in her friend's ear. His black hair was just above his serious eyes and thin eyebrows. The other one was at least a foot taller and wore the same outfit except wore a kind of tie instead, his arm out in front of the smaller one - Avis couldn't tell if it was in a protective stance or if the larger man was holding his comrade back. He had blonde hair that was pushed to the side, sitting like a halo over bushy but neat brows. They both wore something that looked familiar to Avis but she couldn't remember where she saw it. It seemed to be a metal box attached to their legs with a cylinder on top. The tall one looked around at the crowd, spotting something and he glanced to the dark haired male.

"Lower your weapons. Look around you. Do they seem like a threat?" The shorter one glared around, lowering his blades with badly veiled annoyance. Avis exchanged a curious glance with Scout and cautiously approached the newcomers, followed as always by her friend. 'Short One' then clenched his swords in tight fists, ready to use them if the two girls made a wrong move. The one seemingly in charge then put his hand gently on his subordinate and shorty relaxed ever so slightly. 'Bushy Brows' looked kindly at the two brave pair before speaking.

"I am Erwin Smith and this," squeezing his grip on shorty,"is Levi. We aren't going to hurt you." Seeing Scout avoiding eye contact, he continued with a softer tone than his usual commanding boom. "Or do anything but talk." After this, the crowd started to dissipate.

"Ok. I am Avis Hertz and this is Scout."

"Hi." says Scout nervously

"Interesting names." Erwin smiled slightly, noble face becoming more trustworthy.

"Thanks. Why are you here?" says Avis cautiously, still not prepared to let her guard down.

"We're here because we need to rest for the night."

"That isn't the truth, or at least not the full truth." said Scout confidently.

"How did you know?" Shaking the thought, Erwin carried on. "Never mind, you're right. We saw something in the distance from one of the trees close-by and came over here to see what it was. I apologize if we scared you."

"That isn't all of your story, but I will let it go if you answer this fully."

"Fine. What is it?" said Erwin with faint amusement, not used to being interrogated by young girls.

"What are those?" Scout pointed to the metal boxes. "And what are you involved with, because that patch looks familiar and it is no coincidence that you're both wearing them?"

"Two questions?" Erwin looked down at the one making queries and Scout nodded. "Very well. These," he began, hitting the steel shapes,"are a part of my 3D Maneuvering Gear. For your other question, we're part of the Survey Corps." Erwin then looked at Scout and seeing that it didn't satisfy her fully, he delivered the rest. "The Survey Corps is a division of our military that has the most combat with titans and is in charge of studying them, exploring human expansion and carrying out expeditions outside our walls." Scout looked scared and glanced towards Avis to see if she should do something. Avis stared seriously and shook her head. Levi noticed this, whispering something in Erwin's ear by standing on his toes, silvery eyes never leaving the two teens. Picking up on the behaviour, Avis then nodded to Scout and mumbled quietly to her.

"Go to Emil and tell him that I'm going to bring two strangers."

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