Chapter 5

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Before Avis and Scout signed up, they stayed in a rundown cottage for around a month. Hanji came to the house a few times a week, bringing food and news. The second time Hanji visited she not only brought sweets but also news about Erwin and Levi.

"Avis, Scout!' called Hanji.  Scout cautiously walked to Hanji while Avis ran towards toward Hanji; who, after a few weeks, considered Hanji her older sibling who was a geeky nerd that acted like a little child when it came to experiments. "Yes, Hanji?" Avis said curiously but excitedly.

"I have news!"

"Good or bad news?"  Scout talked more calmly after coming to trust Hanji more.

"Good News! You can leave this cottage, today!"

"Why?"  queried  Avis not  feeling sure that they should leave.

"I love your curiosity; you will make a great scientist one day."

"Hanji, get back on point. I don't want you to be here talking all day."

"Alright. Erwin is now the 13th commander of the survey corps and Levi is now a Captain and has his own squad."

"So, we have the person in the highest position is helping us, that is so cool!" Avis said.

Though Scout started getting restless. Avis started to become worried. Avis whispered something to scout and they stepped towards the kitchen which was the furthest from the door.

"Scout talk to me.  Why are you nervous?"

"With Erwin now being the commander, he may have changed his mind about letting us stay in the wall and then join his branch of the military. We shouldn't leave here; they might kill us because we are the only ones who could say that they are traitors."

"Scout, you're overreacting. He risked losing his position, his family, and his life. Along with everyone who was helping us. Please, Scout, trust Hanji. Hanji wouldn't take us to our death."
Hanji did hear what Avis and scout said but decided not to say anything. It hurt Hanji feels that Scout doesn't trust Levi, Erwin, and Hanji.

"Ok, Avis. I will try. But believe it or not I didn't trust you for a long time, I just have a hard time trusting people." Said Scout walking back to the living room of the cottage. Avis was surprised that Scout actually walked towards Hanji without her. After the initial shock, Avis followed her.

"Ok, Hanji.  So, Erwin and Levi are now higher up in the ranks but why can we leave?"

"I was thinking that we would have a small celebration."

"Hanji, did you clear this with Levi or Erwin?"
Hanji paused for a second before responding, "Yes."

"Hanji, I can hear in your voice that you didn't check with them."

"Ok, I didn't but wouldn't it be fun to get out."

"Of Course it would," Avis said looking towards Scout

"But We are in this cottage because we need to stay safe and not have too many eyes on us." Scout finished.

"Fine, but I don't understand the reason why you both are hidden away from people when the training corps starts off with a lot of people. After all, you are going to be training there with other people."

What Hanji said did make them both wonder why they are told to stay away from people and have no interaction with anyone but Hanji and Levi. Hanji was the main person to bring them food from then on. Hanji started staying a bit longer when the girls were bored or when they had questions.

When the time came for them to register, Levi came, told them to leave everything behind and to follow him. Levi wasn't in his normal clothes the girls saw him in, he was in casual clothing.  Levi got frustrated when the girls complained that he came and right away started to tell them what to do.

Why couldn't four eyes do this? Levi thought

Levi took them to the closest walled town, Trost, by wagon.  Registration for non-refugees was near the gate the allowed passage into Trost.  The line to register was well not long but it wasn't its average size. Levi was there to sign as their guardian even though many refugees, whose parents were dead and had no guardian. It took almost 10 minutes for them to get to the registration desk because there were men who wanted to fight the titans because of the fall of Wall Maria; and decided when they got up to the desk that they didn't want to anymore. Those men got a harsh glare from Levi. The registration person asked many questions about health, where they live, and how old they are.  Eventually, they finished registration. They were told to go to a training camp near a forest at the base of a mountain, two days from then and that they are part of the 104th training squad.

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