Chapter 3

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When they left the town, many people were wondering what was happening. Never before did people exit this safe haven to join those from the wall. Classmates of Avis and Scout were wholly confused about what they were doing, seeing as the way they were heading was in the opposite direction of housing for new residents - instead, they were going towards the place where Shorty and Eyebrows had landed. When they arrived, the 3D gear was still in place and Levi noticed something, grumbling lowly from behind barely moving lips.

"My gear is filthy. You could've at least kept them clean." The rest of the group just rolled their eyes.

Once Levi and Erwin got their equipment on, they asked Avis and Scout to hold on to them tightly. Scout held on to the smaller male while Avis took the tall blonde. They swung through the trees to where the rest of the soldiers from their expedition were. The first person that they met was Hanji. She was her usual self, asking them a bunch of questions at break-neck speed, how they survived outside the wall, could she do some experiments on them. Erwin told the excitable woman to leave the girls alone, keeping them out of sight from anyone else as he wanted the pair to be as safe as possible.

They headed out at dawn and not long after, the group encountered a 4 meter class titan. It was an abnormal and broke through the ranks, just like on Levi's first journey outside the walls.

Many more were encountered, and one titan was currently going straight towards Avis and Scout. Luckily the dark haired man was nearby and grappled on to the enemy with ease, slicing at it's neck in an almost graceful manner. The girls were scared but realized quickly that even though they were defenseless, they could still do one thing. They could try to cheer up the ones that saw their friends die. Avis turned.

"Hey Scout? Can you ride over to the ones that were injured? Talk to them while I cheer up the ones that are still able to ride their horses?"

"Sure," she said as she moved over to the cart which contained the wounded.

"I am so sorry for the loss of your comrade. He would want you to survive. Cherish his memory and live on. Fight for others," said Avis to the majority to soldiers who had lost someone. They picked up their heads and became more determined to live and fight, something in the girl's eyes spurring them on.

Scout gave her own words of support. "You need to be strong and survive. You have comrades, friends and family who want you to return back. Once a Titan is before you, even if it costs your arms and legs, you fight. Many of you have done this and I am thankful." This helped the ones who lost the will to live regain it, the ones that were scared that they didn't do their job felt better.

Levi saw all of this, the way two young women spoke so richly and thought to himself, 'they might be brats, and a pain in the butt to protect but Erwin was right - the survey corps needs them.'

Just before the Garrison saw the party, they stopped near some trees. Avis and Scout dismounted their houses, joined swiftly by a grave looking pale man. "Brats, you put yourself in more danger talking to the other soldiers."

Erwin then rode over, adding his orders. "Girls, hand your horses to Levi and then get in the supply wagon. I will cover the cart with cloth so you aren't found."

Avis understood and lead her horse to Levi before climbing aboard her ride. Scout still didn't trust the corpsmen entirely and was more reluctant to do it.

"Scout, this is no time to question them. I don't want to order you," said Avis.

"You aren't going to be the leader of our town anymore. You are banished." Scout spoke a little too harshly, but then saw that Avis was hurt by what she'd said.

Avis snapped back. "You are banished too," she started crying. "I am new to not being in charge but I am doing what I'm ordered to do. I have never been free of my father's command so I'm use to taking orders as well as giving them."

"I'm sorry, Avis. I just saw too much death today. I am just don't trust anyone but you and I trust you but-" she broke down crying.

Avis got out of the supply wagon and walked over to Scout, arm around her best friend. 'I'll protect you. I'll die for you to keep you safe,' Avis thought.

"Scout, let's get in the wagon."

Scout sniffled and they both got in, Erwin then pulling thick cloth over as a disguise.

"Levi, I want you to protect this wagon." The one addressed tutted, but complied nonetheless.

It had been almost a half hour after Avis and Scout got into the wagon, but there wasn't one flare shot. Levi started to speculate about why no one fired a flare. 'Is there an abnormal titan cutting through our perimeter?'

The following half hour passed also, and still not a single flare. He was growing restless, troubled about why there weren't any titans around them.

Once the party reached the gate of Shiganshina, they realized the grim truth as to why they hadn't seen any titans on the way back.

The enemy was pushing and shoving through a hole where the gate used to be, and without hesitation, most of the soldiers started fighting. Many lost their lives, but they cleared the hole.

Once the remaining members of the party entered the town, all they saw was death, bodies strewn around and splashes of blood, the only indication that there had once been life here - they were too late to save anyone.

[ Hello, Readers. I'm still in the process of figuring out how to get to where I want the story to go. The timing of the story has changed from after levi joined but before the fall of Wall Maria, to as you probably noticed after levi joined to after the fall of Wall Maria. I am hoping that you will understand if the time settings change later.  Also, I'm going to school on the 20th of August so this will be not updated often after that day. -Orena ]

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