Chapter 2

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After Scout ran off to tell Emil, Avis requested that that they both take off their gear. Erwin complied right away but Levi stayed still - he didn't trust the girl, she seemed too comfortable in this position of power.

"Take off your gear. That is an order." Levi rolled his eyes at the command from his superior but did as requested, reluctantly rendering himself defenceless whilst surrounded by potential enemies. It made him nervous.

"Now that's done, we can go to our leader." Avis turned around and started walking confidently. "On our way, you can ask questions. Do you have any?"

"Yes. I have a couple." Erwin took the lead before his still rather new recruit could interject, sensing an incoming sarcastic comment. "How long have people been living here?"

"Well, my father was the first one. He created most of what you see here. That was almost over 17 years ago. What's your next question?"

"Why did you approach us when everyone else didn't?"

"That is a bit hard to explain, but I'll try. I'd seen your uniform before, and your gear, but you weren't part of our town. I was mainly curious and because my father told me that I needed to greet new people, seeing as I am going to lead in two years."

"Are you the leader's daughter?"


"What is your father's name?"

"I think it would be best if you ask him yourself. Though, I will tell you he was once part of the Recon corps. Well, we're here." Avis knocked on the door. "Emil," she said while dedicating her heart, "Erwin Smith and Levi have arrived. They're part of the Survey corps."

"Thank you, Scout and Avis. You can go now."

"Sir, I would like to stay," said Scout

"Same here father," said Avis crossing her arms with defiance.

"Fine." Erwin was just staring at Emil, like he'd seen a ghost.

"Hello, Erwin. Never did I imagine that you would find this place."

"Emil. You are alive?!" The blonde gaped, uncharacteristically flustered and Levi glanced upwards, finding the hesitation quite the surprise.

"Right, I forgot that I was reported dead and all."

"Erwin, you know this man?" said Levi.


"Oh, is this a new recruit?" Emil barely graced the smaller man with a second look and focussed on his old acquaintance.

"He is new to the survey corps but he didn't go through the normal training."

"Then how did he join?"

Levi grumbled, glaring at Erwin "It wasn't really a fair choice. He was going to kill my friends if i didn't say we would join. But they.."

Erwin interrupted rather impatiently. "I wasn't going to kill you or them, just hand you all over to the military police. Remember the conversation we had outside the wall?" Levi glared.


"Then stop guilting yourself or blaming me. It was the titans." After that, an awkward silence fell, one which took a few minutes for it to break.

"Why are you here, Erwin?" Emil finally asked.

"Why should I tell you? You abandoned the corps."

"So, I'm guessing you're not here because you are leaving your posting too. What about you, Levi?"

"Why would I ever join you? Look at how you live, covered in leaves and..."

Avis yelled, annoyed by the conversation. "STOP!! My Father is a deserter and so are many people here, but some of us want to join you guys! I was born here and I had no choice in who my parents were. I want to join."

"So do I." Scout said confidently. Avis just stared with shock and after a few seconds asked her friend a quiet question.

"Why do you want to join? You never showed interested in going anywhere dangerous."

"Just because you want to join and see more out there, doesn't mean you can leave behind your only friend." Scout said breaking into tears. Avis didn't know what else to do but go over to her, hug and comfort and apologise.

"I am so sorry, I care for you so much I just don't want you to get killed."

"Listen girls, you would have to come with us and join the normal way." Erwin said. Levi just rolled his eyes then looked to his superior.

"They shouldn't join, Erwin. They're just brats who live outside the wall far above any enemies. Tell me, what do you see in them in becoming cadets and soldiers?"

"They have passion, they have seen titans and seen the death of people they know. Yet they still find happiness and care for one another. Other than maybe you with Isabel and Furlan, and Hanji, we don't have people who can see the positive side. I have become someone who no seemingly longer cares for human lives but I still want my troops to be normal people."

"You're forgetting something Erwin," said Emil. "For them to join they need to be citizens of the Walls. Which they are not and also they require their parents permission."'

"Emil, I bent that law not that long ago, I think I can do it again."

"You mean you're betting on the fact that you can say that you found these kids out here and that they have memory loss, but they remember the desire to join the military? Then hope they can make it through the trainee corps and to the graduation? And then they pick the survey corps after the commander's speech? Basically, risking that the military doesn't find out that they're children of traitors. Because if they do, then they will kill Avis and Scout. No, I won't allow it."

"Father, I am 16 years old and Scout is 15. We have our own freedom to join if we want to."

"If you leave to join them, you will no longer be allowed to come back here."

"Then we will be leaving, Father."

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