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I was watching my daughter as she played outside. She was giggling and kicking the beautifully red colored fall leaves around.

"Zonnique come give me my medicine. I'm not feeling so well." My mamaw said.

"You'd be feeling good if you had took your medicine in the first place!" I growled and walked inside the house. I raced up the steps and grabbed Mamaw's medicine.

"Zonnique come quickly! Myan's not out there anymore!" My mamaw panicked looking out the blinds. I dropped the pills and ran outside. Sure enough Myan was gone and a black SUV was turning the corner. I ran to keep up with it. I saw Myan hitting the windows and crying.

"Myan!" I hollered. The SUV turned another corner and sped down another road. I had lost them. I had lost Myan. Forever.

6 weeks later they found Myan's body and informed me that she was dead and had been raped before her gruesome death. They took me to the morgue to identify her body. I didn't want to go but my mom and my mamaw forced me to. When I got there I looked over her face to legs repeatedly. I really wished I wouldn't of done that because all I could see when I slept was her lifeless face and the bruises they gave her. I confirmed that she was my daughter and stormed out the room. I wiped my tears with the sleeve of my shirt. I should've never left her outside like that. What type of parent am I? A dumb one.

What Went on When ZJP was in the house the day Myan got kidnapped...

A man and his crew saw a little girl playing in the bright colored leaves as they drove by. Being the rapists and murderers they were, they stopped by the curb.

"Hey little girl!" The crew leader grinned at Myan. Myan being only 7, Zonnique hadn't really taught her not to talk to strangers because she thought she didn't need to yet.

"Huh?" Myan replied.

"Want some candy?" The crew leader asked.

"Yes!" Myan grinned. She ran up to the car and the man snatched her in, shutting the door and scurrying off. That's when Mamaw looked peeked through the blinds and noticed there was no more laughter nor Myan.

6 weeks she had been tortured, raped, beaten, and the worse part about it was she spent her birthday getting gang raped by the men. That's what set Zonnique off the most. Zonnique would sometimes call Myan's name during those 6 weeks just to see if she would come home. Call her insane but she though that would help. When Zonnique found out that she was gone she would still call her name to see if she would come, go in her room and pretend she was there, and she lost all path. That's when she lost all her friends, family, supporters, everything. They stamped her as crazy and left her like that. Zonnique fought through depression for 3 years. She had talked to Myan in every dream and Myan helped her battle with depression each and everyday. Nique won the battle and eventually got healthier. When she got better, she cut off all contact with her non supporters and since she got it on her own at first, she promised that she was going to get it on her own now. She learned that you couldn't trust people because they'd always end up backstabbing you, leaving you, and creating difficulty in your life. If people aren't worth your trust they ain't worth risking yo' hustle was the motto she lived by.

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