Chapter 9

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Nique P.

As I walked down the gas station isle, my eyes snapped to the box of cigarettes. I thought about it before picking it up and taking it to cash register to pay for it. The man looked at me weirdly but than quickly got over it when he saw the money I pulled out. He rung it up and then bagged up my nacho cheese Doritos, Purple Crush, and my box of cigarettes. I walked out the store and got back into my car. When I pulled up to the drive way I saw our neighbor Tavaughn cutting my lawn. Tavaughn greeted me as I walked inside the house and me being the polite person I greeted him back. Once I got inside I made sure no one was home and then went inside my room and lit one of the ciggerates. I needed this the most right now. I know I said I was over Myan but everytime I go in her room I start to have flashbacks of her playing with each and every one of her toys in different places all at once. I blew the smoke out my mouth and relaxed my back on the couch pillows. Once I was finished smoking, I threw out the cigarette and sprayed some air freshener to clear out the smell. Lourdes walked through the door and instantly stopped. She looked around. I chewed on my bottom lip hoping that she wouldn't smell the cigar smoke.

"Zonnique were you smoking?" Lourdes scrunched up her face.

"Uh no I-I was making some food in the kitchen and it burned up so I had to throw it out." I stuttered.

"Zonnique I wasn't born last night. I know the difference between cigar smoke and burnt food smells. Therefore I'm going to ask you again...were you smoking?" Lourdes glared at me.

"I-...yes." I sighed.

"Why? You've been fine these past days." Lourdes frowned.

"That's what you think. I miss my tooka so much..." I pulled my knees up to my chest.

"Zonnique she's in a better place now..." Lourdes placed her right hand on my shoulder.

"Fuck that! There's no better place for Myan then with me." I spat.

"Nique you sound real selfish right now..." Lourdes shook her head.

"I don't give a damn. I went through them gruesome, painful, waddling nine months and those beautiful seven years only for some crooks to take my baby away from me!" I screamed.

"Whoa whoa what's going on?" Bahja said walking through the front door.

"Zonnique's been smoking!" Lourdes told.

"I only smoked one!" I yelled.

" smoke? Since when?" Bahja scrunched her eyebrows together.

"Since today..." I looked down.

"Why? You know it's bad for your lungs right?" Bahja sat down some grocery bags.

"Yeah I do...but it helps me cope." I admitted.

" have to let Myan go that was like how many years ago? I bet Myan is looking down at you in disappointment." Bahja said. I growled lowly and stormed to the closet to get my coat. I threw it on and then stormed out the door. I was tired of everyone's judgement. Bahja and Lourdes followed me out to the car but they quickly backed up when I rolled out the parking lot. The more angrier I got, the more speed I would put on my black Ducati. It was about 8:00 when I got to the warehouse. It was dark as heck outside. The warehouse was packed today and the music played loudly. I made my way to the back and saw Mario, Chresanto, and two girls on their laps.

"Up and out shawty." Mario pushed the girl off his lap. Chresanto did the same as well. The girls scowled at me as they walked out.

"Shawty I woke up like disss." I smirked making them mad. Once the girls left I closed the door and sat on my boss chair which was blue with real diamonds encrusted on it.

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