Chapter 15

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Nique P.

I woke up to someone tapping me. I groaned before opening my eyes to see Daniel.

"Daniel!" I chanted lowly.

"Zonnique." Daniel said blandly.

"You have to help me out of here!" I said getting up.

"I'm afraid I can't do that Zonnique...after all I am the one who helped my father set this whole thing up." Daniel smile deviously.

"W-what?" I backed away from him.

"You know. The whole plan. Bump into you at the store, flirt, ask you out, everything." Daniel chuckled.

"Where's Vincent?" I hyperventilated.

"Dead." Daniel began to leave.

"He cant be d-dead." I gulped.

"Why not? Is it because you're pregnant by him again?" Daniel turned around. I looked down in shame and held onto my queasy feeling stomach.

"You just make the stupidest decisions. Sleeping with your ex who treated you like shit and getting pregnant again by him? You're so stupid." Daniel walked out the door and closed it back. I shook my head and dropped it in the palm of my hands. I cried and wailed loudly. Soon I felt a presence next to me. I looked up and it was Mayan.

"Mama you're so much stronger than this." Myan fixed my posture.

"I can't anymore Myan. I just can't. I got pregnant by your father again. Do you know how embarrassing that is?" I wiped my tears.

"Mom stop crying. You'll be fine and I know Myren will be fine. Don't listen to what other people say." Myan hugged me.

"Myren?" I raised an eyebrow.

"That's what you're going to end up calling him." Myan giggled.

"It's a boy?" I gasped.

"Oh shoot. I shouldn't of told you that..." Myan snapped her finger.

"Will he be healthy? What if I mess up again? I can't have another child taken away from me Mayan." I worried.

"He'll be fine. You'll be fine. I gotta go you." Myan faded away.

"Love you too." I huffed.

"Who are you talking to?" The guard opened up the door.

"Myself. So do me a favor and mind yours." I spat.

"Don't get smart with me!" The guard yelled at me.

"Well don't get dumb with me." I yelled back.

"You're even worse than that Bahja girl!" He screamed before closing the door.

"That's offensive!" I crossed my arms. What felt like two hours later they let my friends come back in the room but they all had chains on. They looked fine and healthy.

"Hey guys." I sighed.

"Why you all down?" Rayan asked.

"Because I dragged all of you into this." I frowned.

"You dragged us in, we drag you out." Ray said opening his mouth. He had the key on his tongue. Everybody cheered lowly.

"You're such a pick pocketer!" I whispered.

"Thank you." Rayan smiled widely.

"I got four guns." Bahja said shimming making the guns fall on the floor.

"I got the key to our chains." Breaunna smiled.

"While we were walking, I learned the exits." Lourdes nodded. We all sat in a circle and formed our plan. I hoped this works.

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