Chapter 2

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*Ellie's POV*

I hop off the plane, stepping into Washington for the first time. It's raining, of course. Adam is always telling me how it's always raining here. I look around but can't find him. I pull out my phone to check for any messages.

(A= Adam, E= Ellie)

A: Hey, I won't be able to pick you up. A couple friends of mine will drop you off at the offices.

E: Fine. See you at the offices.

A: See ya.

I put my phone away and look around the airport, trying to find anyone I might recognize. If I do, it would be a select few. I've met Jin, Red, and Barney, or John. The others, I've never met. I know a few of their names, like Corey, Ross and Jake. That's about it. I don't see anyone I recognize. None of the people I know are here, so who is picking me up?

Somebody taps my shoulder. I turn around and see two guys looking at me. One had dirty blonde hair with glasses, and the other was a ginger with nerd glasses and a beard. I looked at them questionably.

"Are you Ellie?" The blonde one asks me. I nod my head. "We're Adam's friends, I'm Ross and this is Max, We're here to take you to the offices."

"Oh, okay. I'm Ellie, even if you already know that," I laughed. Ross laughed and motioned for me to follow him. They led me out to Ross' car, where I put my things in the trunk and hopped in the back seat.

"So, how long are you staying?" Ross asks from the front, trying to start up some sort of conversation.

"Four weeks. Luckily, my boss was able to give me time off."

"Who do you work for?" The other one, Max, asks me.

" Notch. More specifically, Mojang."

Max turns to look at me with wide eyes and Ross halts the car at a sop light, turning to face me as well.

"You work for the creator of Minecraft?!" they asked me. I shrugged.

"Yeah. I build maps, games, blocks and stuff like that."

"You make the blocks?"

"Just a couple of them. I made the Enchantment Table and the Cauldron. A couple of the stained clays. Not too much, I'm better at working with the blocks and not on the blocks."

"Wow." Max turns back around, staring out the window.

"So what do you guys do? Work for my brother in his big fancy offices?" I asked them. They both chuckled.

"We used to. Left around May. We wanted to work on our own YouTube channels and couldn't do that at Sky Media," Max explained.

"Oh, well I guess it's good that you're doing what you love."

"For sure. And it's not like we have any bad blood with your brother, we're all still friends. It just didn't work out for us to keep working there."

"Yeah, I understand completely. I used to work for my friend. I edited her Minecraft videos for her, but something better came up and I started working for Notch."

"Really? You edited? That's what Max and our roommate Tim Tim did. Well, Tim still works at Sky Media, so I guess still does is a better way to put that," Ross said. I nodded and looked at Max.

"Has Adam found another editor yet? Since you left?" (A/N: I know they have, but lets pretend like they haven't. Just for the stories sake.)

"No," he shook his head and sighed. "It makes me feel a little bit guilty about it, but he has some great editors who I know can keep up, so that makes it better."

"How many videos did you guys edit before?"

"About four or five a day. I guess it's easier now that Ross left, one less person's videos to edit." I nodded in response as we pulled up to a parking lot of a building.

We got out of the car and I grabbed my single suitcase, wheeling it behind me as we went up to the stairs of one of the buildings doors. We went in and I caught a glimpse of a desk with plants on it and a girl behind it before I was tackled in a hug, sending me flying off my feet.

"Oof." I grunted as the red haired boy hugged me. "Hi, Red."

"Ellie! I haven't seen you in like, two years!" he yelled, pulling me to my feet. I laughed and dusted my jeans off, giving him a proper hug.

"Wait, how do you two know each other?" Ross asked, pointing to the two of us. We laughed and got out of the hug.

"We met at a Minecon. I was there because I work for Mojang and they wanted me to supervise, when I saw Adam, Red, Barney and Jin. I was supposed to meet you two as well, I think, but you were doing something else. I had to go before I could meet everyone," I explained. They both nodded as Red excitedly ran off somewhere, running back in and grabbing my arm, dragging me with him.

"ADAM! Your sister is here!" he yelled through the office, earning a few annoyed looks from the editors and people in their offices. I could hear footsteps before my brother turned the corner with a smile on his face.

"ELLIE!" He yelled over dramatically. He ran towards me, wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug. Really. Tight.

"Adam...air is good." I hit his back, trying to get him to let go. He chuckled and backed off.

"Yeah, I suppose. It's good to see ya again, El."

"You too, Adam. Now where is my nephew?" I said, bouncing up and down in excitement.

"At home." My face fell and I hit his arm. "Oww."

"I wanna meet him!"

"You will! Later."

"Is that Ellie?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around to see John (Barney) standing there, looking at me with a smile on his face. (A/N: Seeing as he doesn't use broken English off of camera, I'm not gonna act like he does until the videos.)

"Barney!" I yelled, running up him and hugging him. He laughed and hugged me back, spinning around.

Man, I missed these guys.

~Mithzan/Max: After Sky Media~ (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now