Chapter 6

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(A/n: Guys, I know that Max has a girlfriend. And I wish them the best in their relationship. I'm not upset about it or anything, because I'm a fan of his and I want him to be happy. But, for the sake of this story, he doesn't have one. Once again, I have nothing against his girlfriend or their relationship, I actually support it because Max seems happy, but it's just for this story. Thanks, and enjoy chapter six!)

*Ellie's POV*

    "Shadow! No, down! Get off the counter you crazy dog!" I yelled, going to pick Shadow up. He gave me a large toothed smile and ran out of the kitchen and towards my bedroom. I sighed and went back to making my breakfast and getting ready for the day.

   I got back to New Jersey last night, and today I'm going to give Notch my two weeks notice. (A/N: I also know Notch does not own Minecraft anymore....THIS IS A FANFICTION!) I'm a little nervous. I've never had to quit a job I was attached to. Like I said, I don't like all the work I have to do nowadays, but the people at the offices here are so nice, and they've become like my family. Nobody knows I'm quitting, so it'll be a surprise for everyone. I just really hope it won't be awkward for me with anyone after I quit.

    Adam, Red and John are all coming down about three days before I'm heading back to Washington. They're just going to help me with any last minute packing I have and then we'll fly back down to Washington and get me settled in.

   I'm renting an apartment for the time being. I've always been one to have a house rather than an apartment when the opportunity comes up, but for now, I'll just rent an apartment. I don't have a house here in New Jersey, so it won't be much different. I've just always preferred to have a place I can call my own and not have to share the parking with other people.

   I finish my breakfast, pancakes and fruit, before filling Shadow's bowl and then heading out the door. I grabbed my car and then drove to the other side of town, where the offices are. I walked in and greeted Cassi, who was looking at the designs for a new map we might be requested to do.

    I walked up to Notch's office and knocked on the door, taking a deep breath before entering after the faint, 'Come in' came from the other side of the door. Notch sat at his office, looking at something on his computer. He snapped his head up at the sound of my footsteps and grinned at me. I gave him a faint smile back and walked up to his desk.

   "Ellie! So nice to see you again! Did you have a good vacation? Good time seeing your brother, I assume?" he asked, standing up and walking around his desk, pulling me into a hug.

   "Urmm...yes. It was, thank you. Um, so Notch-"

    "Wonderful to hear! By the way, great job on the theme park! I love the ride you had been working on!"

    "Thank y-"

   "Here's the paycheck for it. Quite a good one if you ask me!"

    "Thanks. So-"

    "Ah, yes! Your next project! Okay, so I already gave Cassi a copy of the blueprints-"

    "Notch!" I cut him off. He looked up at me from where he had been shuffling papers around on his desk, trying to find the blueprints. I didn't know how to do this gently. "I don't want another project."

   "Oh?" He raised an eyebrow before nodding and going back to looking for something on his desk. "Understandable! I mean, you did just finish working on a large theme park. Why would you want another project like that, huh? I get it. So, I could have you design another block. We've been needing some for-"

   "Notch!" I cut him off a second time. He looked up at me again. "I don't want another project of any all. I want to quit. I'm here to give my two weeks notice."

   He stood there, processing my words for a moment. His face fell a little before nodding his head.  "Yes, I suppose this was always coming. You have worked for me for quite a while now. I guess it was only a matter of time."

    "I'm sorry, Notch."

    "It's not a problem. Going to be working for your brother, I'm guessing?" I nodded and he gave me a small smile. "Good for you, kid. Good for you."

   "No hard feelings?" I asked him. He shook his head.

    "No hard feelings. Now get back to work! You owe me two weeks, you know. Go teach Cassi something." He waved his hand to dismiss me from his office. I smiled and walked out into the main builders area.

    Step one, done. Now all I have to do is move.

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