Chapter 8

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(A/N: I'm sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I'll see how many drafts I can make today and tomorrow!)

*Ellie's POV*

"Who's picking us up?" I asked Adam as I packed my last suitcase in the bed of the rental truck we had. I had already gotten mine shipped down to Washington, so I didn't have one here at the moment. We were just using this one to get us to the airport, then Cassi, who is riding with us, will take it back to the rental place.

"Max and Ross."

"Are you paying them or something?" I laughed. He laughed as well ad shook his head, loading his suitcase in beside Red and John's.

"No, they just don't get to see you very often, seeing as they don't work at the offices, and so they want to come pick us up. Just to catch up with you."

"Aww, I feel special!" I squealed. All three guys laughed at me and Red put his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, you are special, we know. You don't have to remind us," he said with a straight face. I gasped and hit his arm as they all laughed again. I crossed my arms and pouted.

"You will regret the day this happened." I kept the straight face as I spoke, making them all look at each other with fake scared faces before they all started laughing. I grinned.

"But seriously," Red started, "you should feel special."

"And why is that?" I raised an eyebrow at him in question.

"Because I think you have a do I say this without giving it have a certain, ginger taking a liking into you." Red raised his eyebrows in a waving motion. I quirked m own eyebrows at him.

I know he's not talking about himself, so he has to be talking about Max, but I don't know where that came from. Max never showed any sort of strong emotion around me when I met him, up until I left. I mean, Adam had told me he was never at the office as much as he was when I was visiting, but that doesn't mean anything, right?

"Wow...umm...Red...I'm really sorry to have to say this, but...I just don't feel that same way about you."

Red's face flushed of color and Adam and John bent over laughing. I just stood there, waiting for Red to say something, completely knowing what he was saying, but wanting to mess with him.

"No, no no! I mean-it's-it's not me! It's- It's Max!" Red stuttered. I placed my hands on his shoulders and looked at him dead in the eye.

"It's okay, I've faced rejection as will heal over time." I patted his cheek and got into the car, leaving him standing there, confused as to what just happened.

-Time Skip, brought to you by the clock with says 11pm as the author is writing this!-

We hopped off the plane and went to grab our luggage. I looked around, trying to spot either Ross or Max through the crowd of heads. Not spotting either one of them, I turned to Adam.

"Turn around."

"What? Why?" He asked me. I sighed and turned his shoulders, turning his back towards me. I bent my knees and jumped, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as I searched over the crowd. "Ooph! Really, Ellie?" He grunted and asked. I giggled and nodded, even though he couldn't see me.

"I see them!" I shouted, pointing towards the flaming red hair that belonged to Max. I jumped off of Adam's back and grabbed my luggage, making my way through the crowds behind Red and John with Adam behind me.

*Adam's POV*

I don't think that Ellie actually realized she missed Max more than she thought. She acted like what Red had said didn't effect her, but I could see it on her face. As soon as she saw Max, a large smile took the place of the normal expression she had had on her face before. Her eyes lit up too. Not many people would notice this kind of stuff, but that's my little sister. I can always tell when she likes someone way before she even realizes it herself.

I could see it in Max's face too. He had a huge smile as well, one I rarely ever saw on him since he went off on his own. He was always stressed out with hate and people claiming false things about him and Ross, he was always stressed out.

But when he saw Ellie, the smile he once had was back. His eyes were brighter and he just seemed overall happier. I could tell he wanted to hug her, but he didn't want to seem desperate to see her, so he kept his space.

He didn't have to worry though. Ellie saw him and Ross and pulled Max into a hug first. It lasted for a few seconds, long enough I snapped a picture on my phone. I tucked it away in my pocket before either of them saw. Ellie hugged Ross next, but it was shorter than the hug with Max.

Red turned to me and raised his eyebrows, nudging his head in the direction of them. I smiled and winked at him. He just chuckled and turned around.

Max is my friend, she's my sister. Do I let my shipping come in front of them and want them together, or do I want him to stay away from her?

Shipping. Definitely shipping.

~Mithzan/Max: After Sky Media~ (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now