Chapter 11

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*Adam's POV*


    I've been really curious lately. Even when Max and Ross stopped working for me, I knew they would visit, but not this much. Ever since Ellie has come, Max has been finding random reasons to come to the offices. The first time was to obviously drop her off, the second was to get his last pay check from me. The most recent time he came to the offices, he claimed he left his favorite beanie here, which I had seen him record in just a few days before as I Skyped Ross.

    I'm guessing this has something to do with Ellie. Red and John have had their suspicions that he liked her, but I just went along with whatever. I didn't want to say that he liked her, because then it would seem more real that he did. If I don't say it, I don't have to believe it.

    It's not that I don't trust Max, and it's not like I'm that super over protective brother who won't let her have a boyfriend, but I think it would be a little bit strange if they did like each other. I haven't seen Ellie with a boy for a few years, so it'd be weird for me. Plus, he is my best friend so that would add to the weirdness. 

    "Adam!" John yelled from the hallway of the offices. I groaned and got out of my seat, sticking my head out the door.


    "Come on, we need to go to the store. We're doing the smoothie challenge today." His face has a large grin on it as he twirls his keys around on his finger. I groan again and grab my jacket as we walk out the door and to the car.

~Time skip brought to you by another late night writing session by your author!~

    "Okay, disgusting foods..." I mutter as John grabs a basket and we walk through the isles. We grab some fruit, veggies (cuz you always eat your greens,) potato chips, Honey Buns, Ding Dongs (Even though Ross won't be doing it,) those weird Been Boozeled jelly beans, milk, fruit juice, and other random crap.

    "Would you get mad if I took the tops off the carrots and stuck them in there?" John asked me as he held up the carrot by the green stem thing.

   "Well...does it taste good?" I pondered. He laughed and shrugged, throwing them in the basket.

    We continued to walk down the isles, trying to find more disgusting food to put in the smoothies. We go down one of the isles and find a ginger and a squirrel.

    "Hey Max, Ross." John and I walk up to them. Max and Ross look up from where they were looking at Mac and Cheese to greet us. Max's eyes flickered around us, as if searching for someone or something.

     "Hey Adam! What are you doing?" Ross asked me, gesturing to the basket. John and I explain how we are doing the smoothie challenge with me, John, Red, and Ellie; adding a twist to it by doing four people. They nod and Max scratches the back of his neck nervously, looking around still.

    "Hey, Adam? By any chance did I leave extra 'Z' necklace at the offices?" he asked me. I raised an eyebrow at him, looking at the large necklace that was hanging from his neck as we spoke.

    "I didn't know you had more than one?" I questioned him. He nods frantically at my words.

    "Erm, yeah! Yeah, I do. Just, one in case I lose the other one!" he smiles at me, a very forced and nervous smile. I smirked at him.

    "Dude, if you just want to come and see my sister, you don't have to ask me. Just come on over."

    All the color drained from his face and he looked at me. I chuckle lightly and we say goodbye to both Ross and the still shocked Max as John and I go to finish our shopping.

    We got the most disgusting food to put in a smoothie ever, and check it all out. We haven't seen Ross or Max since I invited him to the offices again, so I have no clue where they went. We get back in the car and go to drive to the offices.

    I walk in with John, seeing Max sitting on the edge of Ellie's desk not twenty minutes after my invitation.

~Mithzan/Max: After Sky Media~ (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now