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A young girl by the name of Eyorn, stumbled upon a Mirkwood troop. They saved her life, then brought her to their King, Thranduil. King Thranduil knew the girl's mother and allowed her to stay there. He raised Eyorn as if she were his own daughter. He already had a son, Legolas, who he loved very dearly. His son and the girl grew very close, one would mistake them as siblings if they didn't know the King only had one child.

Many years passed and the five year old girl that had once come to Mirkwood seeking help, was now turning fifteen. She fled from the palace in search of her brother, Edain, who disappeared after a battle. When the King found out she had run away, he sent guards to look for her. She didn't leave the Mirkwood borders, and was found after three weeks. She continued to do these sort of things for the next year or so. After two years of being drug back to the palace, she finally gave up.

She took lessons on fighting to keep herself entertained. She became an excellent swordsman, and was handy with a bow. She also had throwing knives. She surpassed most of the guards with swords and knives, but no one was better than her adopted brother at archery.

At the age of twenty five she left and became a ranger. Middle Earth came to know her as Shadow, except for the Elves, they knew her as Randiriel, meaning Wanderer in Elvish. She traveled all over Middle Earth, never staying in one place for more than two months. She would go back to Mirkwood, and visit her adopted brother and father, every few years. When she turned fifty, she stopped going home. For thirty-five years she hasn't been home once.

Enough about her past, let's move on to the present. She is now eighty-five years old, but doesn't look a day over thirty. She is one of very few Dûnedain that are left. She doesn't trusts other's easily, and if you meet her, don't anger her. She has enough skill to kill you with one of her knives in two seconds. She is wise, but will not always make the best decisions. She prefers to go about unnoticed, which is why she always wears her ranger cloak with the hood up.

She is about to go on a quest far more dangerous than any other. She will have to learn to trust other's of different races, including her own. She will learn things she thought were impossible. She may even find a special place in her heart for a certain ranger.

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