Chapter Two

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Once I finished with my map, I decided to let Aroden have a few more minutes to relax. I adjusted myself on the branch and looked around. My surroundings were quite beautiful. Even though I have traveled throughout Middle Earth, I never had much time just to look at it's beauty. I was almost always hunting orcs, or being hunted by them. I can never stay in one place for very long without putting the lives of people around me in danger. I never have understood why orcs chase me all over the place. There isn't anything special about me. Oh well, guess I've learned to live with it.

I opened my sketch book to a blank page, and started drawing my surroundings. There was a small stream a few feet away from the base of my tree, and the sunlight shining through the trees made it sparkle. A few flowers grew in the green grass. If you followed the stream, you would find the road that went through the woods.

I finished drawing after about an hour. It was time for me to move on, and continue the rest of my journey. I climbed down, with my stuff in my hands, and walked up to Aroden. He was such a good horse, he never left my side, unless I told him to. I put my things back in the saddle bag and tightened his girth.

"We will have to ride all night boy. I can't stop and rest for very long, unless we want the orcs to catch us." I told him gently. He snorted when I mentioned the orcs. He hated them as much as I did. I mounted him, then made him trot. He had a very smooth trot, beautiful too. Only moments later I heard movement nearby. It didn't sound like orcs, but whatever, or whoever, it was could mean me harm. I jumped off Aroden and told him to hide, I then climbed up a tree and perched myself on a branch. You wouldn't be able to see me from below. I pulled out my bow, and notched an arrow. Seconds later I heard the familiar sound of hooves. Whoever was riding the horses didn't speak. I was afraid they had heard me, because they stopped under the tree I was in. I heard one of them dismount. I looked down and could see hands touching the boot prints I had left. I couldn't see who it was, so I didn't want to shoot. For all I know, it's an Elf, or man. They pulled their hand back and walked off. By the sounds of their feet crunching leaves, they were heading towards Aroden. What surprised me is when I heard Aroden neigh happily! As if he was excited to see whoever it was.

"Eyorn! I know you're up there, come down!" An all too familiar voice called down. I immediately put my arrow back in my quiver, and put my bow on my back. I climbed down the tree so quickly, you would've thought I had fallen. I jumped into the Elf' s open arms. I had missed him so much!

"Legolas! Ne vedui!" (At last) I greeted him. He chuckled and pulled away from our hug. He studied me for a moment, then spoke.

"You have grown much older since I last saw you. You have no idea how much I missed you, how much Ada missed you!" (father) He told me.

"I've missed you too, both of you!" I said truthfully. "Now, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Mirkwood doing... guarding or something." I asked him. He chuckled at my loss for words.

"I came to tell Lord Elrond something, but I needed to tell him in person." He explained.

"What is it? Is Ada okay?" I asked worried. He put a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Ada is fine. Do you remember when you helped Aragorn catch the creature Gollum?" I nodded my head. " Well, somehow, he escaped." He said. I gasped lightly. The dungeons of Mirkwood were not easy to escape. Unless you're a company of Dwarves, plus one sneaky Hobbit.

"I can't believe you let him escape! Do you realize how hard it was to catch him!" I said, getting a little mad. "Never mind, I guess he has a part to play in the future and it probably isn't a good one." I said. Legolas chuckled again, but this time I didn't understand why. He must have seen the confusion on my face.

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