Chapter One

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I was running. I was running from the orcs, through the burning village. My mother was supposed to meet me just before this all started. I was playing with my brother, Edain, when the orcs first came. The orcs had caught the villagers by surprise. Everywhere I turned someone was fighting. Whether it was one of the Dûnedain, or an orc, someone was either attacking or being attacked. When I finally reached the Great Hall, I saw my mother. I ran even faster! My brother had not followed me, he went to find and help Father. Sweat was pouring down my face, from a combination of running, and the fire around me. When I finally reached my mother, she engulfed me in a hug.

"Mommy, what's happening?" I asked her.

"Everything will be fine, do not worry, my child." She told me. She then led me towards my father's best horse, Aroden. He was the kindest, fastest, strongest, smartest, and most gentle horse we had. I was surprised to find my father wasn't already riding him while he battled the orcs. Mother put me on him, and gave me a pack with some supplies. She then climbed on behind me. She kicked Aroden into a fast gallop. We flew through the village, seeming to be unnoticed.

I watched as the village passed by in a blur from the speed we were going. Aroden reared, but I quickly grabbed a hold of his mane, so I wouldn't fall off. When he was back on all four hooves, I saw why he had reared. My father was at the mercy of an orc. The orc' s sword positioned at his neck. We were behind the orc, so he didn't notice my mother and I, but my father did. He looked at us with sadness in his eyes. A single tear slipped from his eye, and rolled down his cheek. He mouthed the words 'I love you,' just before the orc beheaded him. I watched as my father's head rolled onto the ground, and his body crumbled to the earth. The orc laughed maliciously at his victory to defeat one of Middle Earth' s greatest warriors. Aroden then galloped off again, heading for the woods.

I turned my head and watched the burning village shrink into the distance. Where is Edain? I need him. Never had we been defeated so easily before. But the orcs caught the entire village off guard. I saw orcs start to chase after us, just as we disappeared into the woods. We were much faster than they were so we will easily escape them. Suddenly, orcs jumped out of nowhere!

"Ride Aroden as fast as you can to Mirkwood, and don't stop. You will be safe there. Take this and s how it to King Thranduil, he is a friend of mine. I love you, be careful." My mother whispered in my ear. She gave me the necklace from her mother's mother. It was two leaves that seemed to join together. I took it, and quickly put if in Aroden' s saddle bag. My mother took her sword and jumped off of Aroden. She began. fighting the orcs. There were only five, but she had just enough skill to block their blows. She killed three, then turned to me and mouthed the word 'go' just as she was cornered by the remaining two. I urged Aroden on. He trotted quickly, but as silent as a breeze. I turned my head, but could not see a thing through the trees. Aroden rode faster, but still did not make any sounds. We rode hard, without stopping, for several days. We were right inside the borders of Mirkwood, when orcs attacked. There was only eight, but for my five-year-old self, that was a lot. They pulled me off Aroden, and he galloped away to find help. I saw one of the orcs swords readying to behead me. It brought down it's sword and-

I woke up, sweat covering my body, and my breathing hard and uneven. I looked around at my surroundings, nothing. I was still safe, at least for now. The sun would be rising soon, meaning I should get some breakfast then start riding again. I quickly got a small fire going, then started to cook some breakfast. All I had was some Lembas, which I used only when I was in a rush, and just enough deer to give me one more meal. I ate faster than normal, then hurriedly packed my things. I tacked-up Aroden, my horse, then made sure the fire was out and kicked it around, making it appear that no one ever stopped here. I re-adjusted my black cloak, pulling the hood up to cover my face. I couldn't risk being spotted, not now. I mounted Aroden, then kicked him into a canter.

He wasn't moving as fast as he usually would, he must be getting too old for this. He is older than me, and I'm eighty-five! But I do not look a day over thirty. It is because I am a Dûnedain, one of very few that are left. Most of the Dûnedain became rangers. After the northern kingdom was destroyed, many years ago. It was attacked by orcs, but it happened before I was born. My mother and father fled the village, with my brother, for my father was worried about his unborn child being killed. Five years later, their village was attacked. My father died defending us, my mother probably died when she tried to save me, and my brother... disappeared. I went looking for Edain, many times, when I was fifteen or sixteen. I never found any sign of him.

Even now I ask, but no one has any information about a man with brown eyes, dirty blond hair, and an appearance that resembles mine. We both have my father's eyes, but while he has my mother's hair, I have my father's dark, brown, slightly curly hair. He had more of my father's build, strong, tall, but gentle looking, scary when angered. I have my mother's build, frail, but intimidating when I want to be. Of course, I'm not frail at all. I am as skilled as my father with a blade. I can be very deadly when I have one in my possession.

I heard something move in the bushes. I stopped Aroden and quietly unsheathed my sword. I listened for any sound, as I eyed the bush. I saw a small glimmer, the light bouncing off of an arrow head. I used my sword to deflect the arrow away from my leg, where it was aimed. This was an orc' s arrow! They had found me! They ran out to attack me. There was only ten, I could take them easily enough. I rode Aroden right up to them! He reared and kicked two orcs on the head, killing them. I sliced the heads off of two more. Four down, six to go. I grabbed a throwing knife out of my boot and threw it towards an orc. It stabbed it in the heart, right where I aimed. It fell to the ground, lifeless. I slashed at an orc that had walked up and sliced it's stomach. I then cut off it's head. I notched an arrow in my bow and aimed at an orc that was running towards us. I let it soar through the air and land with a 'thud' in the orc' s black heart. I did this with last two, killing them. I had successfully killed all ten orcs and remained unharmed. I knew more would be coming this way, smelling blood and flesh. I kicked Aroden into a gallop and rode as quickly as possible away from the bodies.

After riding for five more hours I decided it wood be a good idea to let Aroden have some rest. I dismounted, and loosened his girth, making it more comfortable for him. I grabbed my sketch book and my ink, along with my feather quill, out of the saddle bag. I climbed a tree and found a comfortable branch to sit on. I began adding to my map where I have gone, and how far. I was making my way for Rivendell. Lord Elrond had asked me to come for a secret council. He had foreseen one happening and knew I would need to be there. I should be arriving tomorrow at noon, or ride without stopping and arrive at dawn. I don't think Aroden can handle galloping all night, but I cannot stop for too long without being found. I will just have to ride Aroden all night, I have no other option. Besides, I miss Lord Elrond and his children.


Hello everyone! I hope you enjoy this story! The necklace is on the side. Please comment below what your thoughts are on this story! :)

-Colleen <3

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