Chapter Three

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I woke up, what seemed to be, a few hours after sunrise. The council would not be until after breakfast. I got out of bed, shivering when my bare feet touched the cold floor. I changed into some brown, light-weight pants, and a dark, green shirt, along with my boots. I put on my leather breastplate, braces, my sword, cloak, and lastly, my bow and quiver. I braided my hair like I had done last night. I pulled my hood up, shadowing my face. I took one look in the mirror, making sure I had everything. I had my daggers in a secret pocket inside my boots, and my mother's necklace still around my neck. I tucked the necklace underneath my shirt, I didn't want it drawing any attention. I walked out of my room and headed for the kitchen. Lord Elrond had invited all of his guests to dine in the hall with him, but since Elladen and Elrohir wouldn't be there to crack jokes, I decided I would just eat in the kitchen. The head cook knew me very well, considering I would sneak a few snacks in in-between meals. Her name was Maed, meaning skilled in Elvish. I thought her name suited her very well because she is a very skilled cook. I walked into the kitchen, just to come face-to-face with everyone running around trying to finish cooking before Lord Elrond and his guests get to the hall. I decided just to get an apple for breakfast: I didn't want to trouble any of the cooks with something I could easily do myself. I walked over to the table in the center of the room. It had a bowl filled with different fruits. I took an apple out and bit into it. It was nice and juicy, just how I like them. I started to walk out of the kitchen, when a hand grabbed my arm, quite hard might I add. I turned sharply, grabbing a dagger out of my cloak as I turned. They had grabbed the arm that I was holding the apple in, so I saw no need to drop it. I put the dagger to their throat and glared.

"How did you get in here, thief?!?" He acused. I sighed in annoyance.

"I am no thief, I am a guest of Lord Elrond' s. I am of very high power, and you should respect me with that of your master." I lied, making my voice deeper than normal to sound like a male' s. It was sort of true: I did have more power than most, but nowhere near enough for the respect that Lord Elrond receives.

"I don't believe you amarth faeg!" (evil fate) He exclaimed loudly. "I will take you to Lord Elrond himself. He will have you locked up, I am sure of it." He told me. I sighed and put my dagger in his hand. He then asked a couple of guards to take my sword, quiver, and bow. The guards knew me, but they, too wanted to watch his humiliation when he sees that I was not lying. He had me walk behind him, with the two guards following. I continued to eat my breakfast as we walked. When he led me into the room, Lord Elrond and all of his guests were sitting, chatting, and eating. Lord Elrond looked up and raised his eyebrows.

"Hir vuin, I am sorry to interupt. I found this theif stealing from the kitchens, not to mention that he lied about his position here." (My lord) He explained. So making my voice deeper did work! I didn't think it would. Now I have a new trick up my sleeve. Lord Elrond looked at me, his eyes asking what I had stolen. I held up the, now half eaten, apple. I took another bite and noticed everyone was watching, and listening. I felt naked without my sword. It didn't help that he had my dagger and the guards still held my bow and quiver. I only had the daggers that were in my boots now. Lord Elrond stood up, walking over to us.

"This is a guest of mine, Sadron. Give her the weapons, including the dagger you hold in your hand, Sadron." Lord Elrond commanded. I smirked under my hood, I won, yet another, battle. Sadron looked extremely embarassed. He turned to me and held out my dagger while bowing his head.

"I apologize my lady, I had not known you were indeed a guest. Can you ever fing it in your heart, to forgive my harsh actions." He asked. It seemed forced, like he wouldn't have apologized if Lord Elrond wasn't standing there. I scoffed slightly and opened my mouth, about to say something snarky, when I heard someone coughing. I recognized it as a 'shut-up-and-be-polite' cough, of course from none other than Legolas. I looked over Sadron' s shoulder, being met with a stern look from Legolas. I looked to the right of him, and saw Aragorn. He was clearly amused by the trouble I had gotten myself into, on my first morning back. I sighed and glared at Legolas. I then turned my attention back to Sadron, who looked quite bored.

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