Dancing Together

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You and Thomas were in the kitchen washing the dishes and listening to your favorite playlist on you phone. Your song comes on and you two jam out to it by dancing. You two grab hands and do twirls together. As you dance, you can feel the electricity of the song intensify. You trip and crash your lips on his. He kisses you and you immediately kiss back. Your lips move in sync, and you can feel the temperature of your bodies rise.

It would have led to a make-out session if Dylan hadn't walked in at that moment.

"OH SHIT!" Dylan screams.

You and Thomas pulled apart as soon as he screamed. Your face was so red you could fry a egg on it and Thomas's was even redder.

"I knew I was right! Kaya owes me 20 bucks!"

"Right about what?" Thomas whispered.

"I bet Kaya I would catch you making out to 'Secret'!" Dylan laughed.

"DYLAN YOU ASSBUTT!" Thomas yelled as he chased him. You were cracking up now, despite the fact that Dylan had just walked in on you and Thomas kissing.

"What is Thomas so riled up about?" Kaya asks as she walks in the room.

"Apparently you owe Dylan 20 bucks." You reply. Kaya starts dying of laughter on the floor, you just shake your head as Dylan runs back to the room as a hiding place and she hands him a 20 dollar bill.
Hello! Sorry about the language, but I thought it was needed for this particular part. Secret is probably my second favourite song, so please check Sam Tsui out. Please tell me what you think and I'll be back with more soon. Thanks!

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now