Pumpkin Spice and Pringles

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    "Thomas. What. The. Heck." I babbled. Looking up at the sky full of soft white clouds, I closed my eyes and took in the beauty of autumn. It was Halloween day, and Thomas and I were taking a small walk in the park. 

   But now that it was finally autumn, I was literally going crazy and turning everything into pumpkin spice. The tree leaves now were bathing themselves into bright reds and yellows. And every time a breeze ran by us, the leaves would jump from their branch and glide to the grassy floor of the earth. 

   Thomas was being a complete goofball and saying the worst jokes and I just kept poking him in the ribcage telling him, "you're the cheesiest person on this earth". I was thinking of things to do tonight, being Halloween, most likely watch scary movies and eat teenager food(what I call junk food) even though we're in our twenties. 

    "What about this one? I went to the zoo the other day and all they had was a small dog. It was a Shih-Tzu," He giggled.

   "Thomas! You've told me that one, like five times! What if we watch Shaun of the Dead tonight? Does that sound good?" I badgered.

   "Sure Y/N, sounds, what is it you say? Fantabulous." He groaned as a reply. 

----Time Skip----

   I had just popped the disk into the Blu-Ray player when I heard Thomas's huge truck pull into my driveway. I dashed out the door and jumped into his truck searching for the beloved food, and found six bags of heaven.

   "Wow, not even a hello. Just-" He started.

   "Did you get the sour cream and onion Pringles?" I interrogate.

   "Yes, I did." He replied.

   I grab all of the bags and run back into my house, literally leaving him there because I'm the best when it comes to relationships. Thomas soon joins me inside my living room and I notice he's holding a cup. A coffee cup to be exact. 

   "Y/N, I also got you a pumpkin spice latte. Because I love you and I wouldn't leave you in my driveway." He chided.

   "Sorry, just, food. Especially sour cream and onion Pringle food." I effused. 

   He rolled his eyes and joined me on the couch as I pressed play. 

   The movie had a few jump scares and I, as usual, let out a few small squeals. Thomas just hugged me tight at the scares and I knew I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. 


     Hey, guys!

     I know I haven't updated in, like, a week and a half. Not supeeer long, but I've a lot of homework and now with Nutcracker; rehearsals. I will try and update more often, but no promises because you never know with school. Love you guys and thanks for your support!



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