Greenies Part 2

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   "She's a bad sign. She and the other one." Gally argued

   "Um, we're called girls and I'm not a bad sign. Besides, I'm your sister." Thalia sassed.       

   "I don't care who you are. Why are you here?" He shouted.

   "I DON'T KNOW, WHY ARE YOU A SLINTHEAD?" She fumed as she stormed out of the building.

   "Thalia! Thalia, wait!" Newt yelled as he chased after her.          

When he caught up with her, they headed over to the fire pit that had a stack of wood in it. Everybody was gathering around the pit and Newt handed her a stick with the tip ignited  on fire. Multiple boys threw theirs into the wood stack and she followed. The boys made tribal-like hoots and danced around the fire. Thalia felt very awkward even at her own celebration. Newt pulled her aside to sit down at a log.
   "So you can remember bits, Greenie? Not tons of information?" He asked.
   "I can't at the moment. I don't even know what I look like. I just wish I could remember everthing else." She replied.
    "We all want to remember. We all came up in that blasted Box one day with no memory with our past lives."
   "Newt, what do I look like?"
   "Well Thalia, you've got eyes that look like emeralds and your hair is a beautiful auburn-red, curly and long. Your skin is so pale it looks like porcelain and your cheeks are blushed with freckles sprinkled over your face. That's what you look like."
    "Yeah. But what are those on your wrists?"
    "They're guns. When ever I clench my fist it activates and whenever I push my thumb out, it shoots. It seems to be a sorta protection and super-strength in one."
   "Well why don't you take them off." He try's to grab her wrists, but she lunged back.
   "I can't. They're attached to my bones. I tried to take them off when I came up in the box." She spoke.
   "Bloody hell."
         ⭐️                     ⭐️                     ⭐️
   The next day...
   Thalia was working with the Track-Hoes since they didn't know where to put her then. She was working late one day when everybody gathered around the Doors. She ran up and asked Thomas what was going on.
   "The Doors are closing soon and Minho and Alby aren't back yet." He said.
   The Doors started closing. They noticed Minho dragging Alby when the Doors where about halfway closed.
   Thalia couldn't take it anymore.
   She knew she was strong. Especially with her guns, they gave her super-strength. She ran to the middle of the Doors and pushed her fists against them with all her strength. It was working, a little bit. The Doors slowed down, allowing Minho and Alby a little more time.
   Her arms burned with pain, and sweat rained down her face. She shrieked in pain, but she was not going to put her arms down. The boys all kept encouraging her and Minho. When she looked back, she saw Newt's face. Amazement and shock painted his face. He was silent. He said nothing. Then when she was about to be squashed, Thomas pushed her. He ran along the walls, dragging her by her arm.
    "GO, GO, GO!" He shouted at her. When they reached the edge of the Doors, she fell on top of him.  Her face was so close to his, that if she moved an inch forward she would've kissed him. She rolled off him and stood up. Minho dropped Alby.
   "Good job, Shanks. You two just killed yourselves." Said Minho.
    "Well, at least we have each other to lean on." She said.
   "Lean on? I wouldn't mind sleeping with you!"
   "You Slinthead!" Thalia lunged her fist towards him, but Thomas stopped her.
   "Hey! How are we all going to stay alive if we can't even get along with each other? Huh?" Thomas stated.
   "Good that. We better get moving." Minho said. And with that you all ran dragging Alby along deeper into the Maze.
Hello! That was fun to write. Please tell me what you think and part 3 will be here soon. Thanks!

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