Didn't ask*Newt*

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  Y/N's POV

  I had been feeling really bad lately and took the week off from running. I was throwing up and had headaches. Newt never left my side and every time I would throw up, he'd hold me and pull my hair back. Today I was finally feeling better and was going to run my section, much to Newt's protest. 

   I gave Newt a kiss goodbye and ran into the towering passage of the Maze. I had just finished my lunch and had a bad feeling in my stomach. I made a turn and poured my lunch in front of me. So much for feeling better. 

   I ran for a little longer and got really woozy. Black spots appeared in my vision and I lost my footing. My knees gave out underneath me and everything went black. 

   Minho's POV

   I had run back into the Maze since Y/N was missing. Newt, the poor shank, was out of his mind with worry for Y/N; he kept thinking the worst. 

   I was running her section when I found her lying on the floor of the Maze. I shook her, but she didn't wake up. I picked her delicate body and slung her over my shoulder, running back to the Glade.

   When I got back there, I yelled for the Med-jacks. Newt came up to me; his eyes red and puffy from crying. I did my best to encourage him, but let's be honest; that's not my talent. 

   "Did she get stung?" He asked me, tears running down his face once again.

   "I don't think so, Newt." I (attempted to) comfort him. "I didn't see any sign of an injury when I found her." 

   "Ok, I'm going to go check on her now. Can you come with me?"

   I nodded in agreement and followed him to the Med-jacks building. 

   Y/N's POV

   I woke up with Newt, Minho, Alby, Clint and Jeff swallowing my personal space. Newt practically pounced on me once I sat up on the cot I was laying on. His hot tears rained on my shoulders and I had to push him off my body so that I wouldn't vomit on him. I threw up in the bucket placed next to my cot and wiped my mouth.

   "You're really sick, aren't you?" Alby noted.

   "I don't know what's going on with me, if that's what you mean." I replied. 

   "Ok, so you've been throwing up, you've had headaches, and you passed out while you were running." Clint asked. I nodded. 

   "Clint and I will be right back." Jeff excused as they walked out of the room.

   "Y/N?"Newt said; his tears stopped flowing. "What's happening to you?"

   "I don't know, Newt. I really don't. But whatever does happen, will you stay with me?" 

  "You know I will." 

  Minho gagged and Alby rolled his eyes.

  Clint and Jeff returned with solemn faces.

   "Well Y/N, have, um, you and Newt, erm, had any sexual activity recently?" Clint asked.

   Newt and I exchanged looks, our faces bright red. "Uhm, yeah we have." Newt answered for me.

   "You two did the dirty? Gruss." Minho commented. 

   "WHAT?!" Alby fumed. 

   "Well, judging by your symptoms, we think that you're pregnant." Jeff continued. 

   I started hysterically crying and Newt motioned for everyone to leave the room. Alby didn't budge a muscle. Newt was trying to calm me down when Alby started to pick a fight.

   "Newt, how could you? You were my right-hand man and then you go do this?" He argued.

   "Alby you think I asked for this? How do you expect me to raise a child in this place, Alby, how?" I sobbed.

   He stood the for a moment, then stormed out of the building. 

   "Hey love, we can do this. I'll take care of you and there's enough guys here that'll take care of you." He comforted.


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