Colds and Cuddles

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     I was sick. I hated being sick and people knowing that I'm sick. I had a cold, nothing severe but irritating. My nose was all stuffed up, my cough sounding like sandpaper on my lungs. I had taken the day off at the studio, Wes  had reluctantly let me go. 
   My phone buzzed next to me singing the Star Wars theme. I pickled it knowing who it was.
   "Hey honey." I greeted.
   "Hey love, how you feeling?" Thomas chirped back.
   "As well as can be expected with a cold, my sinus cavities feel like rupturing though."
   "I'll be over in 20."
   "Whoa, whoa, whoa, is that approved by Wes? If not then forget it."
   "I bribed him."
   "Thomas, you idiot."
   "I've got to go, see you in a little."
   "Alright, love you."
   I pressed the end button and drifted off to sleep accidentally.
   When I woke up, Thomas was lying next to me in my bed.
   "How you feeling?" He asked.
   "Meh. When'd you get here?" I questioned.
   "About an hour. When I got here you were out cold. I got you some stuff." He got up from the bed and returned a few minutes later with a grocery bag. He handed me the bag. Inside were aspirins and medicinal teas.
   "Aww, thanks Thomas. I love you." I praised.
   "I love you too, Y/N." He replied. He kissed me and I kissed back. He rolled on top of me and I shoved him so hard he fell of the bed.
   "What was that for?" He asked.
   "I don't want you to get sick." I giggled.
   He crawled back on the bed and pulled me into a cuddle. We cuddled watching Newtflix for the rest of the day.
Hey guys! So I went ahead and changed the cover because only one person gave there opinion. I watched Nanny McPhee tonight with my mum and brother and I told them he was 15 at the time and they didn't believe me. Also I have had like no ideas, so please make requests. You can PM me or post on my profile, it doesn't matter which. Please give me your opinion and I'll be back with more soon. Thanks!

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now