Emerald Onalee Sangster

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   I woke up to a pain in my lower back and got up quietly. I didn't want to wake Thomas because he needed rest from all the filming he was doing. I tip-toed to the kitchen to get a glass of milk to help. I took a sip of the milk when a massive pain occurred in my enlarged midsection. The glass slipped out of my hand and shattered once it made contact with the floor. I gasped at the warm liquid dripping down my legs. My water broke. I could hear Thomas running to the kitchen.

Shit, I thought to myself.

"Y/N? Are you ok?" He worried. I clutched my stomach as more pain came to me.

"Nope, my water broke," I confessed. His eyes widened as I let out a yelp.

  "Ok, um, let's go get in the car." He calmly said. We clambered into the car and headed to the hospital. 


   "THOMAS! Why are we stopping?!" I asked.

   "Because, there's a red light." He replied.

   "Can't we run it?"

   "No, we'd get hit by a car."

   I groaned as I felt more pain and Thomas hit the pedal again as if it were a race.

   "Just a little longer, love. Just a little longer." He comforted.


   This was it; the day that Thomas and I had been looking forward to for almost a year. The day our baby girl would be born. I pushed and shrieked as I felt the baby making its way into the world and I squeezed Thomas's hand so tight, I probably made it purple.  Sweat trickled down my face as more contractions like stabbing knives came and everything blurred. After a couple of hours of more pain, I felt something rip at my lower body and was followed by the cry of an infant. I tossed my head back; finally relieved of the pain the tiny child had caused me.

   The nurse handed me the tiny baby and I cradled her in my arms. Her coppery-red hair resembled that of her father's and her baby blue eyes glistened in the light.

   "Why hello there my little Emerald." I cooed. Thomas and I had decided to name her Emerald Onalee. Emeralds are one of the most precious gems in the world and that's what she is to us; one of the most precious things that we will ever have. Her middle name is Onalee after her grandmother, one of the biggest role models in my life. 

   Thomas and I got a little time to our little munchkin before family and friends decided to meet our little Emerald. Pain can bring some of the best things in life.

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