Chapter 3

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I sighed and looked from Deion to Kobe to Zero. We all sat in the living room trying to understand what we saw. I stood up and stretched.

"So if that's all I'm going to bed." I spoke.

"How can you sleep knowing that they're still out there? That women shot electricity from her body!" Deion said.

"Maybe I'm just happy that we didn't die tonight. Yes there's six more of them but right now we're alive that's all that matters."

"What do you mean six of them?" Zero asked.

They all went quite and looked at me.

"Ash. What aren't you telling us?"

I sighed in defeat then sat down.

"Lately I've been having these nightmares. But they've been so real." I explained.

I rubbed my arms remembering the chills.

"I've been basically living the kills. I can feel everything the victims do. I feel their fear, their pain everything. But last night it was me they were chasing. There were seven of them. Each with different color eyes. They surrounded me and then I woke up."

It was quite a moment. I looked around the room.

"So you've been watching these people die? And you didn't do anything?" Deion asked.

"I didn't know it was real! I swear if I would've known I would've done everything in my power to help but I couldn't!"

"How didn't you know it-"

"Deion." Zero interrupted.

    I looked at Zero and bit down on my bottom lip.

"She didn't know."

    Deion just looked at Zero.

"Anything else Ash?"

    I shook my head.

"That's everything I know."

"Are you sure."

"I swear it."

    It went quite for a moment.

"I'll catch y'all later." Deion said.

   He left the room and walked out the door with Kobe right behind him.

"Zero I-"

"Go to sleep if your tired."

     I paused for a moment. Of course he was upset. I stood up and ran upstairs. I slammed the door shut. I locked the door, laid down in bed and cried myself to sleep.

I felt something warm running down my legs. I opened my eyes and screamed when I saw that it was blood.

"About time your awake." I heard a women's voice say.

I sat up and looked around. I was in what looked like an old jail. The wall made of rocks the bars was covered in mold and other things.

"Where am I?"

"Where am I? Why am I here? Why me? Who are you? I've heard all the questions."

I looked at the women standing outside the jail ceil. Her eyes were red she had long brown hair and her skin was paler than most.

"Your a vampire."

"Mhm smart girl. My turn where's your friend?"

"Whose my friend?"

"They call her Ashley."

She smirked as she waited for my answer.

"She's not here. But when she comes you'll be sorry."

She laughed, "Well we'll just see if she makes it here then."

    She disappeared and I was left alone. I looked down at the puddle of blood and saw Alexis's face. I closed my eyes and opened then again and found myself wrapped in the covers. I climbed out of bed and ran downstairs to Zero. But I stopped in my tracks when I found him asleep on the couch.

     It broke my heart that he didn't wanna be next to me. I quietly made my way back upstairs and looked out the window. It was midnight. The trees were blowing from the nights breeze, the moons rays shined. Everything seemed peaceful but it was far from peaceful.

I stayed up that whole night. I was too scared to fall back to sleep. When morning finally came around I climbed into the shower. I climbed into some clean clothes then into some converse and quietly walked downstairs. I glanced into the living room were Zero was still sleeping. I lightly kissed his forehead then made my way outside.

It was still early in the morning I didn't expect anyone to be up around this time. I looked around then jetted off towards the woods.  When I reached my destination I sighed. I was at the place where I saw the first victim. I closed my eyes and took myself back to my dream.

    I walked through all the places they ran and where they died. They all died within five miles of each other. I made my way to the cliff that Deion said the women jumped from. I glanced down and saw nothing but a river. Of course she didn't die.

     I sighed. I closed my eyes and listened to everything around me. Everything was peaceful and calm nothing moving. At Least that's what I thought. I sighed then felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I felt someone standing behind me. Why didn't I sense them?

I turned quickly and my hand almost hit the face of a young child. I stopped and sighed in a bit of relief. His eyes had fear in them.

"I'm sorry. Why are you so far deep in these woods? You could get hurt." I spoke.

"I-I don't know. Something was following me and I just took off running." He spoke.

I nodded and smiled trying to give him some kind of comfort. I held my hair out for him to take. He did and I gently guided him out of the woods. He walked behind me until we reached the end of the woods. I felt someone tug on my hand then everything went dark.

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