Pirate! England x Reader

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( HI GUYS I'M BACK I'M SORRY I LIKE... TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THIS ACCOUNT I'M SORRY! holy shit I've got lots of requests.. I'll try and do as many as i can! sorry about that hiatus ;-: )

{ requested by beautifuldeath101 }

   It was a rainy day in the sea a few miles from Jamaica's coast, and despite the less-than-pleasant weather, you were happy as you stood on deck, gazing out at the small bit of land that was just beginning to show on the horizon of the sea. "We made it," You said to yourself under your breath, a smile rising on your lips. "Port Royal, here we come."

However, your smile disappeared upon hearing one of your crew screaming, and you spun around to see what all of the commotion was about, and gasped upon seeing another large ship trailing after your own; a pirate ship. "Oh, no," You breathed, goosebumps rising on your soft skin. You weren't prepared to fight pirates, and being aboard a small cargo ship left you at, well, one hell of a disadvantage. You hurried to the far side of the ship with the rest of your crew to get a better view, and felt your heart drop upon seeing the flag raised on the pirate ship, a flag that signified that these pirates trailing after you were willing to fight. 

"C-Captain, what shall we do? We.. we left all of our cannons back at port!" One of your crew members asked, eyes wide as he stared over at you. 

You took a moment to breathe and assess the situation, blinking in total shock. "I-I.. we.. w-we sail as fast as we can and hope t-they won't be willing to follow us into the port. No smart pirate w-would do that, not with all of the guards on land," You said, taking a shaky breath. 

The crew member nodded and hurried off to alert the rest of the crew of your plan. The sails lowered and you sailed faster than before, but it was still not enough to lose the other ship, which quickly caught up and rammed into your own ship. 

The pirates lowered planks to cross on onto your ship and quickly did just that, their crew quickly hopping on board. Your crew all quickly fled below deck to avoid any fighting and you headed to your own quarters to grab your contract, the contract that was supposed to protect your cargo and crew from the thieving hands of pirates. You knew it was a long shot, but decided to try it anyways. As you turned to leave the small room, you nearly jumped out of your skin at the sound of the wooden door slamming hard on the wall beside it as it was thrown open.

The captain of the pirate ship that invaded yours stood there, a dark smirk on his handsome face. He had blonde hair that peeked out from under the rims of his tricorn hat, which on it had a beautiful white feather. He wore an eyepatch and a handsome burgundy coat and a frilly white dress shirt beneath it. The eye that wasn't covered by the eyepatch was a beautiful emerald green, such a pretty colour on such a handsome face that it made your breath hitch in your throat. What the hell? Pirates aren't supposed to be this hot..

The pirate captain cleared his throat, seeming a bit caught off guard by your own appearance himself. "Ahoy," He said after a long moment of awkward silence, tipping his hat to you. Quite polite for a pirate, hmm. 

"Ahoy." You said bluntly, narrowing your eyes at him to draw his attention away from the light blush on your cheeks. "What brings a filthy pirate like you to my ship?"

The pirate brushed off the tone of your voice and what you had said and instead shot you a cocky smile. "How be ye on 'tis fine mornin'?" He asked, his voice deep and smooth, and thick with a rough British accent.

"I'm fine." You said, taking a weary step back as the pirate stepped closer to you. 

"Jolly! Say, what's ye moniker?" The pirate tilted his head and took another step closer to you. 

You bit your lip and whimpered upon realising you had run back into the wall. "W-what?"

"What's ye moniker, lass?" The pirate repeated himself, smiling even wider, mischief in his eye. 

"W-what's a moniker?" You whimpered again, swallowing thickly. 

"Ye name, stupid." He rolled his eyes. 

"O-oh! Uh.. (y/n).." You said, pressing your body back against the wall to avoid physical contact with the pirate. 

"(Y/n)?" The pirate stepped even closer, and you grimaced upon feeling his hot, rum-tinged breath fan over your face. "Pretty moniker fer a pretty woman." 

"If this is y-your attempt at flirting, then you should be ashamed of yourself," You snapped, a bit of your courage returning. 

The pirate chuckled darkly, narrowing his eye at you. "Ye sure be feisty. Me moniker be Arthur, I be sure ye were dyin' to know."

"I didn't ask." You spat. "What do you want with us, with this ship?"

Arthur took a step back and glanced casually down at his gloved hand. "Ye tobacco," He said simply.

"I'm afraid you're not going to be able to get any of that." You crossed your arms over your chest. "Our tobacco is not for you, or any of your scumbag pirates."

"Ouch!" Arthur pouted, looking back up at you.  "Ye don't have to be so mean."

"I don't have to be so mean?" You scoffed. "You're the one who rammed into MY ship, boarded, and now you expect me to give up all of my expensive cargo just because you asked nicely?! I don't think-" You were cut off as Arthur's hand wrapped tightly around your throat, pressing you hard back against the wall and squeezing tightly. Your eyes went wide in fear and you squirmed, trying desperately to escape his powerful grip.

Arthur growled lowly at you, squeezing a bit tighter. "Don't make me murder ye." He said, before releasing his grip on you. You fell to the floor and gasped in a breath, reaching up and gently rubbing your bruising throat. 

"Y-you'll never get to the tobacco," You choked, slowly but surely catching your breath. "I-it's locked away in a room that only I have the key to, rigged with booby traps only I can disarm. The ship blows up unless I-I open it."

Arthur growled again, grabbing your hand and tugging you up to your feet, studying your face closely. "Ye'er lyin'."

"I'm not," You breathed, staring right into his eye.

Arthur crossed his arms over his chest and frowned. "What do I have to do to convince ye to lead me to th' room?"

You blinked and raised an eyebrow, thinking for a moment. You then smirked a little. 

Arthur caught on quickly and raised his eyebrows, knowing what you were implying without even having to hear the words. "Oh." 

Your smirk widened. Arthur turned and walked over, quickly closing and locking the door to the room the two of you were in. He then hurried back over to you and pressed his lips hard against yours in a deep, passionate kiss, one that ignited a fire in both of you. You quickly deepened the kiss and wrapped your arms around him, and he wrapped his arms around you as he forced his tongue into your mouth, exploring every inch and dancing his tongue with yours. 

You moaned softly into the kiss, pressing your body against his, and he slowly laid you down over the table in the room, his hands working feverishly to strip you of your clothing, and your own hands working to rid him of his. Once you were both bare, he laid himself over you and pushed himself deep into you, both of you moaning softly in unison at the feeling...

Two hours later...

You watched from top deck as Arthur's pirate ship sailed off into the distance, a mischievous smile on your face as you crossed your arms over your chest. One of your crew members walked over and raised an eyebrow at your expression. "What is it? Aren't you upset? We gave those pirates all of our cargo!"

"Ah ah, that's where you're wrong," You snickered, looking over at the crew member. "I didn't give them any tobacco. Those bags were filled with dried apple tree leaves. The real tobacco is under the floorboards in my quarters."

The crew member blinked at you in total surprise, and then looked out at the horizon at the pirate ship sailing away. "Wow. They didn't even check?"

"Nope." You laughed. 

"Their captain sure is an idiot."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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